시장 데이터와 기본 데이터: 소스와 기법¶
- 전통적 투자 전략
- 주로 공개된 데이터 의존
- f(
주식 기본 데이터
,기업의 공시된 재무 데이터
,산업 또는 매크로 데이터
)=재무 모델
- 기술적 분석으로 주가와 거래량으로부터 계산된 지표를 사용해 시장 데이터에서 신호를 추출
- 현대 투자 전략
- 머신러닝 알고리듬은 인간이 정의한 규칙이나 경험보다 효율적으로 시장 데이터와 기본 데이터를 활용
- 3장의 대체 데이터와 결합할 때 더 효과적
- 2장의 선형 모델에서 순환 신경망(RNN) 등의 ML 알고리듬이 어떻게 시장과 기본 데이터 거래에 유용한 신호를 생성하는지 설명
- 머신러닝 알고리듬은 인간이 정의한 규칙이나 경험보다 효율적으로 시장 데이터와 기본 데이터를 활용
2장의 목표
- 시장과 기본 데이터의 소스를 소개하고 이들이 만들어지는 환경(트레이딩 환경)을 어떻게 반영하는지 설명
- 시장 데이터의 적절한 해석과 전략의 설계와 실행 및 현실적인 백테스트 시뮬레이션 구현에 중요
- 파이썬으로 여러 소스로부터 트레이딩과 재무제표 데이터에 어떻게 접근하고 작업할 수 있는지
- 시장과 기본 데이터의 소스를 소개하고 이들이 만들어지는 환경(트레이딩 환경)을 어떻게 반영하는지 설명
2장의 내용
- 시장 데이터가 트레이딩 환경의 구조를 반영하는 방법
- 분 단위 빈도의 거러 데이터와 호가 데이터로 작업
- 나스닥 ITCH를 사용해 틱 데이터에서 주문 호가창을 재구성하는 방법
- 여러 가지 형태의 바를 이용해 틱 데이터를 요약하는 방법
- XBRL(eXtensible Business Reporting Language)로 인코딩된 전자 공시 자료들을 다루는 방법
- 시장 데이터와 기본 데이터를 구문 분석하고 결합해 주가 이익 배율(P/E, Price-to-Earnings) 시계열을 만드는 방법
- 파이썬을 이용해 여러 시장 데이터와 기본 데이터 소스에 접근하는 방법
시장 데이터는 시장 환경을 반영한다¶
시장 데이터
알고리듬 트레이더
- ML을 포함한 알고리듬을 사용해 매수와 매도 주문의 흐름과 그 결과로 형성되는 거래량과 가격을 통계량을 분석해 트레이드 신호를 추출 -> 수요 공급 동태 또는 특정 시장 참여자의 형태에 대한 이해도를 높임
백테스트 동안 트레이딩 전략의 시뮬레이션에 영향을 주는 제도적 특성들을 살펴보고, 이러한 환경, 즉 나스닥에 의해 생성되는 실제 틱 데이터를 작업한다.
시장 미시 구조: 기본 지식¶
- 제도적 환경이 트레이딩 과정에 어떻게 영향을 주고,
- 가격 발견, 매수-매도 호가 스프레드와 호가, 일중 트레이딩 행태와 거래 비용 같은 결과를 어떻게 형성하는지 연구
트레이딩 방법: 여러 종류의 주문¶
주문의 종류
- 시장가 주문(market order): 주문이 거래 플랫폼에 도달하는 순간 가능한 시장 가격으로 즉시 체결을 보장
- 지정가 주문(limit order)
- 매도 지정가 주문: 시장 가격이 지정가보다 큰 경우에만 체결
- 매수 지정가 주문: 시장 가격이 지정가보다 작은 경우에만 체결
- 스탑 주문(stop order)
- 매수 스탑 주문: 시장 가격이 지정한 가격보다 큰 경우에만 활성화(공매도 손실 방지로 사용 가능)
- 매도 수탑 주문: 시장 가격이 저정한 가격보다 작은 경우에만 활성화
- 스탑 주문도 지정가를 가질 수 있음
주문의 여러 조건
- 모두 아니면 취소(All or none) 주문: 부분 체결 방지
- 즉시 모두 체결 아니면 취소(Fill or Kill) 주문: 부분 체결을 방지하지만, 즉시 체결되지 않으면 취소
- 즉시 체결 아니면 취소(immediate or cancel) 주문: 매매 가능한 주식수를 즉시 매수 또는 매도하고 나머지는 취소
- 재량(Not-held) 주문: 브로커가 체결의 시점과 가격을 결정
- 시가 또는 종가 시장(market on open/close) 주문: 시장의 개장 시점이나 종료 시점 또는 그 근처에서 체결, 부분 체결 허용
트레이딩 장소: 거래소에서 다크풀까지¶
- 나스닥에는 다수의 시장 조성자(market maker)가 주식 거래를 용이하게 함
- 오늘날 트레이딩은 파편화됨
- 미국에서는 2개의 주요 베뉴 대신 거래소와 전자통신망(ECN) 같은 (비규제화된) 대체 거래 시스템(ATS)을 포함한 13개가 넘는 트레이딩 베뉴가 존재
- ATS는 트레이더가 익명으로 거래를 실행할 수 있는 수십 개의 다크풀을 포함
- 미국에서는 2개의 주요 베뉴 대신 거래소와 전자통신망(ECN) 같은 (비규제화된) 대체 거래 시스템(ATS)을 포함한 13개가 넘는 트레이딩 베뉴가 존재
고빈도 데이터로 작업¶
- 두 범주의 시장 데이터가 Reg NMS하에 미국 증권거래소에서 거래되는 수천 개의 기업을 커버
- 통합 피드는 각 트레이딩 베뉴로부터의 거래와 호가 데이터 결합
- 각 개별 거래소는 그 특정 베뉴에 대한 추가 활동 정보를 가진 독점적 상품 공급
- 나스닥에 의해 제공되는 틱별 기반으로 주문, 거래 및 결과 가격의 실제 흐름을 나타내는 독점적 주문 흐름 데이터를 제시
- 불규칙한 간격으로 도달하는 연속 흐름의 데이터를 고정된 기간의 바로 정규화
- 통한된 거래와 호가 정보를 포함하는 AlgoSeek의 주식 분바 데이터 소개
나스닥 주문 호가창으로 작업¶
시장 데이터의 가장 중요한 소스는 호가창이며, 모든 트레이딩 활동을 반영하여 종일 실시간 업데이트됨
- 미국 주식시장의 3개의 층으로 호가를 제공:
- 레벨 1(L1): 온라인 소스로부터 가능한 실시간 매수와 매도 호가 정보
- 레벨 2(L2): 특정 시장 조성자에 의한 매수 및 매도 호가와 함께 주어진 주식의 유동성에 대한 더 나은 통찰을 위해 최근 거래의 크기와 시간에 대한 정보를 더함
- 레벨 3(L3): 호가를 넣거나 변경할 수 있고 주문을 실행하고 거래를 확인할 수 있는 능력을 더함(시장 조성자와 거래소 회원 기업만 접근 가능)
트레이딩 활동은 매매에 관련된 수많은 메시지에 반영되며, 이 메시지는 전자 금융 정보 교환(FIX) 통신 프로토콜이나 거래소 고유의 교환 프로토콜을 준수
FIX 프로토콜을 활용한 거래의 통신¶
- FIX 프로토콜: 거래소, 은행, 브로커, 정산소와 기타 시장 참여자 간의 거래 체결 이전과 거래 체결 중 소통을 위한 메시징 표준
- 일괄 처리(STP, Straight-Trough Processing)를 지원하는 사후 거래 시스템으로 발전
- 거래소는 FIX 메시지의 접근을 제공하여, 알고리듬 트레이더 들이 실시간 데이터 피드를 파스(parse)해 시장 행태를 추적하고, 파악하여 다음 행태를 예상하도록 함
- 메시지 시퀀스: 호가창을 재구성할 수 있게 함
- FIX 세션은 TCP 층에서 지원
- 프로코톨은 파이프 분리된 키-값의 쌍과 태그 기반의 FIXML 구문을 지원
- FIX 메시지를 형성하고 파싱하는데 사용할 수 있는 파이썬 소스의 FIX 구현이 공개됨
나스닥 토탈뷰-잇치 데이터 피드¶
FIX의 시장 점유율이 압도적이지만, 거래소만의 프로토콜을 제공함
나스닥은 개별 주문을 추적할 수 있는 토탈뷰-잇치(TotalView-ITCH) 직접 데이터 피드 프로토콜을 제공
- 데이터의 과거 기록은 특정 증권에 대해 활성화된 지정가 주문을 추적하는 호가창을 재구성할 수 있게 함
호가창: 가격별로 매수 또는 매도 호가되는 주식의 수를 보여줌으로써 장중 시장의 깊이(market depth)를 알려줌
- 시장의 깊이: 유동성과 대규모 시장가 주문의 잠재적 가격 영향을 파악하는 핵심 지표
시장가와 지정가 주문을 매칭하는 것 이외에도 나스닥은 개장과 종장 시 수많은 거래를 체결하는 옥션이나 크로스를 운영한다.
이진 주문 메시지의 파싱¶
ITCH v5.0 사양은 시스템 이벤트, 주식 특성, 한계 주문의 배치 및 수정, 거래 실행과 관련된 20개 이상의 메시지 유형을 선언한다. 또한 오픈 및 종료 크로스 이전의 순 주문 불균형에 대한 정보도 포함한다.
나스닥은 여러 달 동안의 일별 바이너리 파일 샘플을 제공한다.
이 장의 GitHub 저장소에는 ITCH 메시지의 샘플 파일을 파싱하고 실행된 거래와 주문 북을 재구성하는 방법을 보여주는 build_order_book.ipynb
노트북이 포함된다.
다음 표는 책에서 사용된 샘플 파일(2018년 3월 29일 기준)에서 가장 일반적인 메시지 유형의 빈도를 보여준다.
메시지 유형 | 주문 북 영향 | 메시지 수 |
A | 새로운 미지정 한계 주문 | 136,522,761 |
D | 주문 취소 | 133,811,007 |
U | 주문 취소 및 대체 | 21,941,015 |
E | 전체 또는 부분 실행; 동일한 원래 주문에 대해 여러 메시지일 수 있음 | 6,687,379 |
X | 부분 취소 후 수정 | 5,088,959 |
F | 속성이 있는 주문 추가 | 2,718,602 |
P | 거래 메시지 (크로스가 아님) | 1,120,861 |
C | 처음 표시 가격과 다른 가격에서 전체 또는 부분 실행 | 157,442 |
Q | 크로스 거래 메시지 | 17,233 |
각 메시지에 대해 사양은 구성 요소와 해당하는 길이 및 데이터 유형을 설명합니다:
이름 | 오프셋 | 길이 | 값 | 참고 |
메시지 유형 | 0 | 1 | S | 시스템 이벤트 메시지 |
주식 위치 | 1 | 2 | Integer | 항상 0 |
추적 번호 | 3 | 2 | Integer | 나스닥 내부 추적 번호 |
타임스탬프 | 5 | 6 | Integer | 자정 이후 나노초 |
주문 참조 번호 | 11 | 8 | Integer | 주문 수신 시간에 할당된 고유한 참조 번호 |
매수/매도 표시 | 19 | 1 | Alpha | 추가되는 주문의 유형. B = 매수 주문, S = 매도 주문 |
주식 수량 | 20 | 4 | Integer | 주문 북에 추가되는 주문과 관련된 총 주식 수량 |
주식 | 24 | 8 | Alpha | 오른쪽 공백으로 채워진 주식 기호 |
주가 | 32 | 4 | Price(4) | 새로운 주문의 디스플레이 가격. 필드 처리 노트 참조 |
기여도 | 36 | 4 | Alpha | 입력된 주문과 관련된 나스닥 시장 참가자 식별자 |
노트북 01_build_itch_order_book
, 02_rebuild_nasdaq_order_book
및 03_normalize_tick_data
에는 다음을 포함하는 코드가 있습니다.
- 나스닥 Total View 샘플 틱 데이터 다운로드
- 바이너리 소스 데이터에서 메시지 파싱
- 특정 주식에 대한 주문 북 재구성
- 주문 플로우 데이터 시각화
- 틱 데이터 정규화
코드는 최신 나스닥 샘플 파일(2019년 3월 27일 기준)을 사용하도록 업데이트되었습니다.
Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH Order Book data¶
While FIX has a dominant large market share, exchanges also offer native protocols. The Nasdaq offers a TotalView ITCH direct data-feed protocol that allows subscribers to track individual orders for equity instruments from placement to execution or cancellation.
As a result, it allows for the reconstruction of the order book that keeps track of the list of active-limit buy and sell orders for a specific security or financial instrument. The order book reveals the market depth throughout the day by listing the number of shares being bid or offered at each price point. It may also identify the market participant responsible for specific buy and sell orders unless it is placed anonymously. Market depth is a key indicator of liquidity and the potential price impact of sizable market orders.
The ITCH v5.0 specification declares over 20 message types related to system events, stock characteristics, the placement and modification of limit orders, and trade execution. It also contains information about the net order imbalance before the open and closing cross.
import warnings
%matplotlib inline
import gzip
import shutil
from struct import unpack
from collections import namedtuple, Counter, defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from datetime import timedelta
from time import time
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
import seaborn as sns
def format_time(t):
"""Return a formatted time string 'HH:MM:SS
based on a numeric time() value"""
m, s = divmod(t, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return f'{h:0>2.0f}:{m:0>2.0f}:{s:0>5.2f}'
Get NASDAQ ITCH Data from FTP Server¶
The Nasdaq offers samples of daily binary files for several months.
We are now going to illustrates how to parse a sample file of ITCH messages and reconstruct both the executed trades and the order book for any given tick.
The data is fairly large and running the entire example can take a lot of time and require substantial memory (16GB+). Also, the sample file used in this example may no longer be available because NASDAQ occasionaly updates the sample files.
The following table shows the frequency of the most common message types for the sample file date March 29, 2018:
Name | Offset | Length | Value | Notes |
Message Type | 0 | 1 | S | System Event Message |
Stock Locate | 1 | 2 | Integer | Always 0 |
Tracking Number | 3 | 2 | Integer | Nasdaq internal tracking number |
Timestamp | 5 | 6 | Integer | Nanoseconds since midnight |
Order Reference Number | 11 | 8 | Integer | The unique reference number assigned to the new order at the time of receipt. |
Buy/Sell Indicator | 19 | 1 | Alpha | The type of order being added. B = Buy Order. S = Sell Order. |
Shares | 20 | 4 | Integer | The total number of shares associated with the order being added to the book. |
Stock | 24 | 8 | Alpha | Stock symbol, right padded with spaces |
Price | 32 | 4 | Price (4) | The display price of the new order. Refer to Data Types for field processing notes. |
Attribution | 36 | 4 | Alpha | Nasdaq Market participant identifier associated with the entered order |
- Set Data paths
We will store the download in a data
subdirectory and convert the result to hdf
format (discussed in the last section of chapter 2).
data_path = Path('data') # set to e.g. external harddrive
itch_store = str(data_path / 'itch.h5')
order_book_store = data_path / 'order_book.h5'
You can find several sample files on the NASDAQ server.
The HTTPS address, filename and corresponding date used in this example:
HTTPS_URL = 'https://emi.nasdaq.com/ITCH/Nasdaq%20ITCH/'
SOURCE_FILE = '10302019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz'
- URL updates
NASDAQ updates the files occasionally so that the SOURCE_FILE changes. If the above gives an error, navigate to the HTTPS_URL using your browser, and check for new files. As of September 2021, the listed files include:
- 01302020.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz
- 12302019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz
- 10302019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz
- 08302019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz
- 07302019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz
- 03272019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz
- 01302019.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz
- 12282018.NASDAQ_ITCH50.gz
- Download & unzip
def may_be_download(url):
"""Download & unzip ITCH data if not yet available"""
if not data_path.exists():
print('Creating directory')
print('Directory exists')
filename = data_path / url.split('/')[-1]
if not filename.exists():
print('Downloading...', url)
urlretrieve(url, filename)
print('File exists')
unzipped = data_path / (filename.stem + '.bin')
if not unzipped.exists():
print('Unzipping to', unzipped)
with gzip.open(str(filename), 'rb') as f_in:
with open(unzipped, 'wb') as f_out:
shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
print('File already unpacked')
return unzipped
This will download 5.1GB data that unzips to 12.9GB (this may vary depending on the file, see 'url updates' below).
file_name = may_be_download(urljoin(HTTPS_URL, SOURCE_FILE))
date = file_name.name.split('.')[0]
Directory exists File exists File already unpacked
ITCH Format Settings¶
- The
module for binary data
The ITCH tick data comes in binary format. Python provides the struct
module (see docs) to parse binary data using format strings that identify the message elements by indicating length and type of the various components of the byte string as laid out in the specification.
From the docs:
This module performs conversions between Python values and C structs represented as Python bytes objects. This can be used in handling binary data stored in files or from network connections, among other sources. It uses Format Strings as compact descriptions of the layout of the C structs and the intended conversion to/from Python values.
Let's walk through the critical steps to parse the trading messages and reconstruct the order book:
- Defining format strings
The parser uses format strings according to the following formats dictionaries:
event_codes = {'O': 'Start of Messages',
'S': 'Start of System Hours',
'Q': 'Start of Market Hours',
'M': 'End of Market Hours',
'E': 'End of System Hours',
'C': 'End of Messages'}
encoding = {'primary_market_maker': {'Y': 1, 'N': 0},
'printable' : {'Y': 1, 'N': 0},
'buy_sell_indicator' : {'B': 1, 'S': -1},
'cross_type' : {'O': 0, 'C': 1, 'H': 2},
'imbalance_direction' : {'B': 0, 'S': 1, 'N': 0, 'O': -1}}
- ITCH 파서는 message_types.xlsx로 제공되는 메시지 사양에 의존
- 이는 formats 딕셔너리에 따라 문자열 포맷을 조합
formats = {
('integer', 2): 'H', # int of length 2 => format string 'H'
('integer', 4): 'I',
('integer', 6): '6s', # int of length 6 => parse as string, convert later
('integer', 8): 'Q',
('alpha', 1): 's',
('alpha', 2): '2s',
('alpha', 4): '4s',
('alpha', 8): '8s',
('price_4', 4): 'I',
('price_8', 8): 'Q',
Create message specs for binary data parser¶
The ITCH parser relies on message specifications that we create in the following steps.
- Load Message Types
The file message_types.xlxs
contains the message type specs as laid out in the documentation
message_data = (pd.read_excel('https://github.com/FE-Quant-Study/Machine-Learning-for-Algorithmic-Trading-Second-Edition/raw/master/02_market_and_fundamental_data/01_NASDAQ_TotalView-ITCH_Order_Book/message_types.xlsx',
.drop('id', axis=1))
Name | Offset | Length | Value | Notes | |
0 | Message Type | 0 | 1 | S | System Event Message |
1 | Stock Locate | 1 | 2 | Integer | Always 0 |
2 | Tracking Number | 3 | 2 | Integer | Nasdaq internal tracking number |
3 | Timestamp | 5 | 6 | Integer | Nanoseconds since midnight |
4 | Event Code | 11 | 1 | Alpha | See System Event Codes below |
- Basic Cleaning
The function clean_message_types()
just runs a few basic string cleaning steps.
def clean_message_types(df):
df.columns = [c.lower().strip() for c in df.columns]
df.value = df.value.str.strip()
df.name = (df.name
.str.strip() # remove whitespace
.str.replace(' ', '_')
.str.replace('-', '_')
.str.replace('/', '_'))
df.notes = df.notes.str.strip()
df['message_type'] = df.loc[df.name == 'message_type', 'value']
return df
message_types = clean_message_types(message_data)
- Get Message Labels
We extract message type codes and names so we can later make the results more readable.
message_labels = (message_types.loc[:, ['message_type', 'notes']]
.rename(columns={'notes': 'name'}))
message_labels.name = (message_labels.name
.str.replace('message', '')
.str.replace('.', '')
.str.strip().str.replace(' ', '_'))
# message_labels.to_csv('message_labels.csv', index=False)
message_type | name | |
0 | S | system_event |
5 | R | stock_directory |
23 | H | stock_trading_action |
31 | Y | reg_sho_short_sale_price_test_restricted_indic... |
37 | L | market_participant_position |
- Finalize specification details
Each message consists of several fields that are defined by offset, length and type of value. The struct
module will use this format information to parse the binary source data.
message_types.message_type = message_types.message_type.ffill()
message_types = message_types[message_types.name != 'message_type']
message_types.value = (message_types.value
.str.replace(' ', '_')
.str.replace('(', '')
.str.replace(')', ''))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 152 entries, 1 to 172 Data columns (total 6 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 name 152 non-null object 1 offset 152 non-null int64 2 length 152 non-null int64 3 value 152 non-null object 4 notes 152 non-null object 5 message_type 152 non-null object dtypes: int64(2), object(4) memory usage: 8.3+ KB
name | offset | length | value | notes | message_type | |
1 | stock_locate | 1 | 2 | integer | Always 0 | S |
2 | tracking_number | 3 | 2 | integer | Nasdaq internal tracking number | S |
3 | timestamp | 5 | 6 | integer | Nanoseconds since midnight | S |
4 | event_code | 11 | 1 | alpha | See System Event Codes below | S |
6 | stock_locate | 1 | 2 | integer | Locate Code uniquely assigned to the security ... | R |
Optionally, persist/reload from file:
- ITCH 사양을 얻고 (type, length)의 튜플로 포맷
message_types.to_csv('message_types.csv', index=False)
message_types = pd.read_csv('message_types.csv')
The parser translates the message specs into format strings and namedtuples
that capture the message content. First, we create (type, length)
formatting tuples from ITCH specs:
message_types.loc[:, 'formats'] = (message_types[['value', 'length']]
.apply(tuple, axis=1).map(formats))
Then, we extract formatting details for alphanumerical fields
- 알파 필드의 포맷
alpha_fields = message_types[message_types.value == 'alpha'].set_index('name')
alpha_msgs = alpha_fields.groupby('message_type')
alpha_formats = {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in alpha_msgs.formats}
alpha_length = {k: v.add(5).to_dict() for k, v in alpha_msgs.length}
We generate message classes as named tuples and format strings
- 메시지 클래스를 name tuple과 문자열 포맷으로 생성
message_fields, fstring = {}, {}
for t, message in message_types.groupby('message_type'):
message_fields[t] = namedtuple(typename=t, field_names=message.name.tolist())
fstring[t] = '>' + ''.join(message.formats.tolist())
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 45 entries, event_code to price_variation_indicator Data columns (total 6 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 offset 45 non-null int64 1 length 45 non-null int64 2 value 45 non-null object 3 notes 45 non-null object 4 message_type 45 non-null object 5 formats 45 non-null object dtypes: int64(2), object(4) memory usage: 2.5+ KB
offset | length | value | notes | message_type | formats | |
name | ||||||
event_code | 11 | 1 | alpha | See System Event Codes below | S | s |
stock | 11 | 8 | alpha | Denotes the security symbol for the issue in t... | R | 8s |
market_category | 19 | 1 | alpha | Indicates Listing market or listing market tie... | R | s |
financial_status_indicator | 20 | 1 | alpha | For Nasdaq listed issues, this field indicates... | R | s |
round_lots_only | 25 | 1 | alpha | Indicates if Nasdaq system limits order entry ... | R | s |
Fields of alpha
type (alphanumeric) require post-processing as defined in the format_alpha
- 알파 타입의 필드는 format_alpha 함수에 정의된 후처리를 요함
def format_alpha(mtype, data):
"""Process byte strings of type alpha"""
for col in alpha_formats.get(mtype).keys():
if mtype != 'R' and col == 'stock':
data = data.drop(col, axis=1)
data.loc[:, col] = data.loc[:, col].str.decode("utf-8").str.strip()
if encoding.get(col):
data.loc[:, col] = data.loc[:, col].map(encoding.get(col))
return data
Process Binary Message Data¶
The binary file for a single day contains over 350,000,000 messages worth over 12 GB.
def store_messages(m):
"""Handle occasional storing of all messages"""
with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
for mtype, data in m.items():
# convert to DataFrame
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
# parse timestamp info
data.timestamp = data.timestamp.apply(int.from_bytes, byteorder='big')
data.timestamp = pd.to_timedelta(data.timestamp)
# apply alpha formatting
if mtype in alpha_formats.keys():
data = format_alpha(mtype, data)
s = alpha_length.get(mtype)
if s:
s = {c: s.get(c) for c in data.columns}
dc = ['stock_locate']
if m == 'R':
except Exception as e:
data.to_csv('data.csv', index=False)
return 1
return 0
messages = defaultdict(list)
message_count = 0
message_type_counter = Counter()
The script appends the parsed result iteratively to a file in the fast HDF5 format using the store_messages()
function we just defined to avoid memory constraints (see last section in chapter 2 for more on this format).
The following code processes the binary file and produces the parsed orders stored by message type:
- 이진 파일을 처리하고 메시지 타입별로 저장된 파싱된 주문을 생성
# 메모리 제한 설정
import datetime
start = time()
with file_name.open('rb') as data:
while True:
# determine message size in bytes
message_size = int.from_bytes(data.read(2), byteorder='big', signed=False)
# get message type by reading first byte
message_type = data.read(1).decode('ascii')
# read & store message
record = data.read(message_size - 1)
message = message_fields[message_type]._make(unpack(fstring[message_type], record))
except Exception as e:
# deal with system events
if message_type == 'S':
seconds = int.from_bytes(message.timestamp, byteorder='big') * 1e-9
# Check if the time is between 9:00 and 12:00
event_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds)
if event_time.time() >= datetime.time(9) and event_time.time() <= datetime.time(12):
print('\n', event_codes.get(message.event_code.decode('ascii'), 'Error'))
if message.event_code.decode('ascii') == 'C':
message_count += 1
if message_count % 2.5e7 == 0:
seconds = int.from_bytes(message.timestamp, byteorder='big') * 1e-9
d = format_time(time() - start)
res = store_messages(messages)
if res == 1:
# Check if memory limit exceeded
if message_count >= 150000000:
print('Reached the end of the available data. Stopping execution.')
print('Duration:', format_time(time() - start))
Start of Market Hours 09:30:00.00 10,559,279 09:43:05.96 25,000,000 00:01:42.74 10:06:51.80 50,000,000 00:06:28.74 10:38:32.64 75,000,000 00:10:49.17 11:16:28.93 100,000,000 00:15:30.66 11:57:00.64 125,000,000 00:19:53.57 12:42:10.74 150,000,000 00:24:41.77 Reached the end of the available data. Stopping execution. Duration: 00:27:22.40
'''start = time()
with file_name.open('rb') as data:
while True:
# determine message size in bytes
message_size = int.from_bytes(data.read(2), byteorder='big', signed=False)
# get message type by reading first byte
message_type = data.read(1).decode('ascii')
# read & store message
record = data.read(message_size - 1)
message = message_fields[message_type]._make(unpack(fstring[message_type], record))
except Exception as e:
# deal with system events
if message_type == 'S':
seconds = int.from_bytes(message.timestamp, byteorder='big') * 1e-9
print('\n', event_codes.get(message.event_code.decode('ascii'), 'Error'))
if message.event_code.decode('ascii') == 'C':
message_count += 1
if message_count % 2.5e7 == 0:
seconds = int.from_bytes(message.timestamp, byteorder='big') * 1e-9
d = format_time(time() - start)
res = store_messages(messages)
if res == 1:
print('Duration:', format_time(time() - start))'''
Start of Messages 03:02:31.65 0 Start of System Hours 04:00:00.00 241,258 Start of Market Hours 09:30:00.00 9,559,279 09:44:09.23 25,000,000 00:01:36.96 10:07:45.15 50,000,000 00:05:55.21 10:39:56.24 75,000,000 00:10:15.61 11:18:09.64 100,000,000 00:14:29.57 11:58:35.35 125,000,000 00:18:46.27 12:44:20.61 150,000,000 00:23:46.78
Summarize Trading Day¶
- Trading Message Frequency
counter = pd.Series(message_type_counter).to_frame('# Trades')
counter['Message Type'] = counter.index.map(message_labels.set_index('message_type').name.to_dict())
counter = counter[['Message Type', '# Trades']].sort_values('# Trades', ascending=False)
Message Type | # Trades | |
A | add_order_no_mpid_attribution | 65262174 |
D | order_delete | 62218501 |
U | order_replace | 13284179 |
E | order_executed | 3244190 |
X | order_cancel | 2551279 |
F | add_order_mpid_attribution | 1087260 |
I | noii | 1072626 |
P | trade | 725755 |
L | market_participant_position | 429415 |
C | order_executed_with_price | 62328 |
Y | reg_sho_short_sale_price_test_restricted_indic... | 17860 |
R | stock_directory | 17773 |
H | stock_trading_action | 17764 |
Q | cross_trade | 8887 |
S | system_event | 6 |
J | luld_auction_collar | 2 |
V | market_wide_circuit_breaker_decline_level | 1 |
B | broken_trade | 1 |
with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
store.put('summary', counter)
- Top Equities by Traded Value
- 9,500 종목의 모든 주식에 대한 트레이딩 활동의 요약
with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
stocks = store['R'].loc[:, ['stock_locate', 'stock']]
trades = store['P'].append(store['Q'].rename(columns={'cross_price': 'price'}), sort=False).merge(stocks)
trades['value'] = trades.shares.mul(trades.price)
trades['value_share'] = trades.value.div(trades.value.sum())
trade_summary = trades.groupby('stock').value_share.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
trade_summary.iloc[:50].plot.bar(figsize=(14, 6), color='darkblue', title='Share of Traded Value')
plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: '{:.0%}'.format(y)))
모든 거래와 호가창의 재구성 방법¶
파싱된 메시지로 주어진 날의 주문 흐름을 재구축할 수 있다. 'R' 메시지 타입은 주어진 날에 거래된 신규 상장(IPO)과 거래 제한 종목 정보를 포함한 모든 주식의 리스트를 보유한다.
장중 내내 신규 주문이 더해지고 체계되고 취소된 주문이 호가창에서 제외된다. 이전에 낸 주문을 참조하는 메시지를 적절히 고려하고자 여러 날에 걸쳐 호가창을 추적할 필요가 있을 수 있다.
Working with Order Book Data: NASDAQ ITCH¶
The primary source of market data is the order book, which is continuously updated in real-time throughout the day to reflect all trading activity. Exchanges typically offer this data as a real-time service and may provide some historical data for free.
The trading activity is reflected in numerous messages about trade orders sent by market participants. These messages typically conform to the electronic Financial Information eXchange (FIX) communications protocol for real-time exchange of securities transactions and market data or a native exchange protocol.
from pathlib import Path
from collections import Counter
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import seaborn as sns
def format_time(t):
"""Return a formatted time string 'HH:MM:SS
based on a numeric time() value"""
m, s = divmod(t, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return f'{h:0>2.0f}:{m:0>2.0f}:{s:0>2.0f}'
- Set Data paths
We will store the download in a data
subdirectory and convert the result to hdf
format (discussed in the last section of chapter 2).
data_path = Path('data') # set to e.g. external harddrive
itch_store = str(data_path / 'itch.h5')
order_book_store = data_path / 'order_book.h5'
date = '10302019'
Build Order Book¶
stock = 'AAPL'
order_dict = {-1: 'sell', 1: 'buy'}
The parsed messages allow us to rebuild the order flow for the given day. The 'R' message type contains a listing of all stocks traded during a given day, including information about initial public offerings (IPOs) and trading restrictions.
Throughout the day, new orders are added, and orders that are executed and canceled are removed from the order book. The proper accounting for messages that reference orders placed on a prior date would require tracking the order book over multiple days, but we are ignoring this aspect here.
- Get all messages for given stock
The get_messages()
function illustrates how to collect the orders for a single stock that affects trading (refer to the ITCH specification for details about each message):
get_messages() 함수는 트레이딩에 영향을 주는 단일 주식에 대한 주문을 어떻게 수집하는지 보여준다.
def get_messages(date, stock=stock):
"""Collect trading messages for given stock"""
with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
stock_locate = store.select('R', where='stock = stock').stock_locate.iloc[0]
target = 'stock_locate = stock_locate'
data = {}
# trading message types
messages = ['A', 'F', 'E', 'C', 'X', 'D', 'U', 'P', 'Q']
for m in messages:
data[m] = store.select(m, where=target).drop('stock_locate', axis=1).assign(type=m)
order_cols = ['order_reference_number', 'buy_sell_indicator', 'shares', 'price']
orders = pd.concat([data['A'], data['F']], sort=False, ignore_index=True).loc[:, order_cols]
for m in messages[2: -3]:
data[m] = data[m].merge(orders, how='left')
data['U'] = data['U'].merge(orders, how='left',
suffixes=['', '_replaced'])
data['Q'].rename(columns={'cross_price': 'price'}, inplace=True)
data['X']['shares'] = data['X']['cancelled_shares']
data['X'] = data['X'].dropna(subset=['price'])
data = pd.concat([data[m] for m in messages], ignore_index=True, sort=False)
data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(date, format='%m%d%Y')
data.timestamp = data['date'].add(data.timestamp)
data = data[data.printable != 0]
drop_cols = ['tracking_number', 'order_reference_number', 'original_order_reference_number',
'cross_type', 'new_order_reference_number', 'attribution', 'match_number',
'printable', 'date', 'cancelled_shares']
return data.drop(drop_cols, axis=1).sort_values('timestamp').reset_index(drop=True)
messages = get_messages(date=date)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1023625 entries, 0 to 1023624 Data columns (total 9 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 timestamp 1023625 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 buy_sell_indicator 965613 non-null float64 2 shares 1017575 non-null float64 3 price 1017575 non-null float64 4 type 1023625 non-null object 5 executed_shares 92941 non-null float64 6 execution_price 887 non-null float64 7 shares_replaced 11449 non-null float64 8 price_replaced 11449 non-null float64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(7), object(1) memory usage: 70.3+ MB
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
key = f'{stock}/messages'
store.put(key, messages)
<class 'pandas.io.pytables.HDFStore'> File path: data/order_book.h5 /AAPL/messages frame (shape->[1023625,9])
- Combine Trading Records
Reconstructing successful trades, that is, orders that are executed as opposed to those that were canceled from trade-related message types, C, E, P, and Q, is relatively straightforward:
- 메시지 타입 C, E, F, Q로 표시되는 성공된 거래, 즉 취소된 주문이 아닌 체결된 주문의 재구성은 상대적으로 간단함
def get_trades(m):
"""Combine C, E, P and Q messages into trading records"""
trade_dict = {'executed_shares': 'shares', 'execution_price': 'price'}
cols = ['timestamp', 'executed_shares']
trades = pd.concat([m.loc[m.type == 'E', cols + ['price']].rename(columns=trade_dict),
m.loc[m.type == 'C', cols + ['execution_price']].rename(columns=trade_dict),
m.loc[m.type == 'P', ['timestamp', 'price', 'shares']],
m.loc[m.type == 'Q', ['timestamp', 'price', 'shares']].assign(cross=1),
], sort=False).dropna(subset=['price']).fillna(0)
return trades.set_index('timestamp').sort_index().astype(int)
trades = get_trades(messages)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 104120 entries, 2019-10-30 04:00:02.486519868 to 2019-10-30 12:42:10.341410167 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 shares 104120 non-null int64 1 price 104120 non-null int64 2 cross 104120 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(3) memory usage: 3.2 MB None
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
store.put(f'{stock}/trades', trades)
- Create Orders
The order book keeps track of limit orders, and the various price levels for buy and sell orders constitute the depth of the order book. To reconstruct the order book for a given level of depth requires the following steps:
The add_orders()
function accumulates sell orders in ascending, and buy orders in descending order for a given timestamp up to the desired level of depth:
호가창은 지정가 주문을 추적하며, 매수와 매도 주문에 대한 다양한 가격 수준에 대한 호가창의 깊이를 형성한다. 주어진 수준의 깊이에 대한 호가창을 재구성하려면 다음 스텝이 필요하다.
add_orders() 함수는 원하는 수준의 깊이까지 주어진 타임스탬프에 대해 매도 주문을 오름차순으로, 매수 주문을 내림차순으로 누적한다.
def add_orders(orders, buysell, nlevels):
"""Add orders up to desired depth given by nlevels;
sell in ascending, buy in descending order
new_order = []
items = sorted(orders.copy().items())
if buysell == 1:
items = reversed(items)
for i, (p, s) in enumerate(items, 1):
new_order.append((p, s))
if i == nlevels:
return orders, new_order
def save_orders(orders, append=False):
cols = ['price', 'shares']
for buysell, book in orders.items():
df = (pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data=data,
for t, data in book.items()]))
key = f'{stock}/{order_dict[buysell]}'
df.loc[:, ['price', 'shares']] = df.loc[:, ['price', 'shares']].astype(int)
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
if append:
store.append(key, df.set_index('timestamp'), format='t')
store.put(key, df.set_index('timestamp'))
We iterate over all ITCH messages and process orders and their replacements as required by the specification (this can take a while):
모든 ITCH 메시지에 대해 반복하며 사양이 요구되는 대로 주문과 주문 변경 사항을 처리한다.
order_book = {-1: {}, 1: {}}
current_orders = {-1: Counter(), 1: Counter()}
message_counter = Counter()
nlevels = 100
start = time()
for message in messages.itertuples():
i = message[0]
if i % 1e5 == 0 and i > 0:
print(f'{i:,.0f}\t\t{format_time(time() - start)}')
save_orders(order_book, append=True)
order_book = {-1: {}, 1: {}}
start = time()
if np.isnan(message.buy_sell_indicator):
buysell = message.buy_sell_indicator
price, shares = None, None
if message.type in ['A', 'F', 'U']:
price = int(message.price)
shares = int(message.shares)
current_orders[buysell].update({price: shares})
current_orders[buysell], new_order = add_orders(current_orders[buysell], buysell, nlevels)
order_book[buysell][message.timestamp] = new_order
if message.type in ['E', 'C', 'X', 'D', 'U']:
if message.type == 'U':
if not np.isnan(message.shares_replaced):
price = int(message.price_replaced)
shares = -int(message.shares_replaced)
if not np.isnan(message.price):
price = int(message.price)
shares = -int(message.shares)
if price is not None:
current_orders[buysell].update({price: shares})
if current_orders[buysell][price] <= 0:
current_orders[buysell], new_order = add_orders(current_orders[buysell], buysell, nlevels)
order_book[buysell][message.timestamp] = new_order
100,000 00:00:33 200,000 00:01:03 300,000 00:01:03 400,000 00:01:01 500,000 00:01:05 600,000 00:01:10 700,000 00:01:02 800,000 00:01:01 900,000 00:01:01 1,000,000 00:01:05
message_counter = pd.Series(message_counter)
A 349539 E 90533 D 499119 P 12698 X 839 F 556 U 11449 C 880 dtype: int64
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
<class 'pandas.io.pytables.HDFStore'> File path: data/order_book.h5 /AAPL/buy frame_table (typ->appendable,nrows->16377692,ncols->2,indexers->[index],dc->[]) /AAPL/messages frame (shape->[1023625,9]) /AAPL/sell frame_table (typ->appendable,nrows->13751076,ncols->2,indexers->[index],dc->[]) /AAPL/trades frame (shape->[104120,3])
Order Book Depth¶
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
buy = store[f'{stock}/buy'].reset_index().drop_duplicates()
sell = store[f'{stock}/sell'].reset_index().drop_duplicates()
- Price to Decimals
buy.price = buy.price.mul(1e-4)
sell.price = sell.price.mul(1e-4)
- Remove outliers
percentiles = [.01, .02, .1, .25, .75, .9, .98, .99]
sell.price.describe(percentiles=percentiles).to_frame('sell')], axis=1)
buy | sell | |
count | 1.637749e+07 | 1.375098e+07 |
mean | 2.416477e+02 | 2.592650e+02 |
std | 3.173623e+00 | 1.718661e+03 |
min | 1.000000e-02 | 2.412500e+02 |
1% | 2.384600e+02 | 2.418800e+02 |
2% | 2.387300e+02 | 2.420100e+02 |
10% | 2.395600e+02 | 2.426500e+02 |
25% | 2.406000e+02 | 2.434900e+02 |
50% | 2.419000e+02 | 2.443600e+02 |
75% | 2.428900e+02 | 2.453500e+02 |
90% | 2.437500e+02 | 2.460100e+02 |
98% | 2.449800e+02 | 2.469400e+02 |
99% | 2.451600e+02 | 2.473800e+02 |
max | 2.455800e+02 | 2.000000e+05 |
buy = buy[buy.price > buy.price.quantile(.01)]
sell = sell[sell.price < sell.price.quantile(.99)]
- Buy-Sell Order Distribution
The number of orders at different price levels, highlighted in the following screenshot using different intensities for buy and sell orders, visualizes the depth of liquidity at any given point in time.
The distribution of limit order prices was weighted toward buy orders at higher prices.
다음 그래프는 각 가격 수준에서의 주문 숫자를 시각화하는 상이한 강도를 사용해 각 시점에서의 유동성 깊이를 강조한다.
지정가 주문 가격의 분포가 더 높은 가격의 매수 수준에 대해 어떻게 치우쳐 있는지 보여준다.
market_close = '1600'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,5))
hist_kws = {'linewidth': 1, 'alpha': .5}
sns.distplot(buy[buy.price.between(240, 250)].set_index('timestamp').between_time(market_open, market_close).price,
ax=ax, label='Buy', kde=False, hist_kws=hist_kws)
sns.distplot(sell[sell.price.between(240, 250)].set_index('timestamp').between_time(market_open, market_close).price,
ax=ax, label='Sell', kde=False, hist_kws=hist_kws)
ax.set_title('Limit Order Price Distribution')
ax.set_yticklabels([f'{int(y/1000):,}' for y in ax.get_yticks().tolist()])
ax.set_xticklabels([f'${int(x):,}' for x in ax.get_xticks().tolist()])
ax.set_ylabel('Shares (\'000)')
- Order Book Depth
utc_offset = timedelta(hours=4)
depth = 100
buy_per_min = (buy
.groupby([pd.Grouper(key='timestamp', freq='Min'), 'price'])
.between_time(market_open, market_close)
.groupby(level='timestamp', as_index=False, group_keys=False)
.apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(columns='price', n=depth))
buy_per_min.timestamp = buy_per_min.timestamp.add(utc_offset).astype(int)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 17600 entries, 0 to 17599 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 timestamp 17600 non-null int64 1 price 17600 non-null float64 2 shares 17600 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(2), int64(1) memory usage: 412.6 KB
sell_per_min = (sell
.groupby([pd.Grouper(key='timestamp', freq='Min'), 'price'])
.between_time(market_open, market_close)
.groupby(level='timestamp', as_index=False, group_keys=False)
.apply(lambda x: x.nsmallest(columns='price', n=depth))
sell_per_min.timestamp = sell_per_min.timestamp.add(utc_offset).astype(int)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 17600 entries, 0 to 17599 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 timestamp 17600 non-null int64 1 price 17600 non-null float64 2 shares 17600 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(2), int64(1) memory usage: 412.6 KB
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
trades = store[f'{stock}/trades']
trades.price = trades.price.mul(1e-4)
trades = trades[trades.cross == 0].between_time(market_open, market_close)
trades_per_min = (trades
.agg({'price': 'mean', 'shares': 'sum'}))
trades_per_min.index = trades_per_min.index.to_series().add(utc_offset).astype(int)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 193 entries, 1572442200000000000 to 1572453720000000000 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 price 193 non-null float64 1 shares 193 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(1) memory usage: 4.5 KB
The following plots the evolution of limit orders and prices throughout the trading day: the dark line tracks the prices for executed trades during market hours, whereas the red and blue dots indicate individual limit orders on a per-minute basis (see notebook for details)
거래일을 통틀어 지정가 주문과 가격이 어떻게 진화하는가를 그린다. 어두운 선은 장중 체결된 거래에 대한 가격을 추적하고, 빨간 점과 파란 점은 분별 기반의 개별 지정가 주문을 가리킨다.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 6))
title = f'AAPL | {date} | Buy & Sell Limit Order Book | Depth = {depth}'
trades_per_min.price.plot(figsize=(14, 8),
xticks = [datetime.fromtimestamp(ts / 1e9).strftime('%H:%M') for ts in ax.get_xticks()]
ax.set_ylabel('Price', fontsize=12)
red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='Sell')
blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='royalblue', label='Buy')
plt.legend(handles=[red_patch, blue_patch])
틱에서 바로: 시장 데이터 정규화 방법¶
거래 데이터는 나노초(nanosecond)에 의해 인덱스되고 불규칙하게 도달하므로 매우 잡음이 많다.
- 예를 들면 매수-매도 호가 스프레드 반동(bounce)은 거래 개시가 매수와 매도 시장가 주문 사이에 교대로 일어나므로 가격이 매수와 매도 호가 사이에서 진동하게 만든다.
- 잡음-신호 비율(noise-signal ratio)과 통계적 특성을 개선하고자 거래 활동을 합계해 틱 데이터의 주기를 바꾸고(resample), 정규화한다.
전형적으로 합계된 기간의 시가(첫째), 저가, 고가, 종가(마지막)와 거래량(이들을 결합해 OHLCV로 약칭)과 함께 거래량 가중 평균 가격(VWAP), 거래량과 데이터와 관련된 타임스탬프를 수집한다.
Analyze Order Book Data¶
Imports & Settings¶
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
from math import pi
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from scipy.stats import normaltest
%matplotlib inline
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.2f' % x)
- 원시 자료: 틱바
다음 코드가 AAPL에 대한 기본 틱 가격과 거래량 데이터의 그래프를 생성한다.
data_path = Path('data')
itch_store = str(data_path / 'itch.h5')
order_book_store = str(data_path / 'order_book.h5')
stock = 'AAPL'
date = '20191030'
title = '{} | {}'.format(stock, pd.to_datetime(date).date())
Load system event data¶
with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
sys_events = store['S'].set_index('event_code').drop_duplicates()
sys_events.timestamp = sys_events.timestamp.add(pd.to_datetime(date)).dt.time
market_open = sys_events.loc['Q', 'timestamp']
market_close = sys_events.loc['M', 'timestamp']
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/base.py in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance) 3801 try: -> 3802 return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) 3803 except KeyError as err: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc() /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc() pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item() pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item() KeyError: 'M' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-66-e5cc0bac037e> in <cell line: 1>() 3 sys_events.timestamp = sys_events.timestamp.add(pd.to_datetime(date)).dt.time 4 market_open = sys_events.loc['Q', 'timestamp'] ----> 5 market_close = sys_events.loc['M', 'timestamp'] /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexing.py in __getitem__(self, key) 1064 key = tuple(com.apply_if_callable(x, self.obj) for x in key) 1065 if self._is_scalar_access(key): -> 1066 return self.obj._get_value(*key, takeable=self._takeable) 1067 return self._getitem_tuple(key) 1068 else: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in _get_value(self, index, col, takeable) 3922 # results if our categories are integers that dont match our codes 3923 # IntervalIndex: IntervalTree has no get_loc -> 3924 row = self.index.get_loc(index) 3925 return series._values[row] 3926 /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/base.py in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance) 3802 return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) 3803 except KeyError as err: -> 3804 raise KeyError(key) from err 3805 except TypeError: 3806 # If we have a listlike key, _check_indexing_error will raise KeyError: 'M'
Trade Summary¶
We will combine the messages that refer to actual trades to learn about the volumes for each asset.
with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
stocks = store['R']
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 26660 entries, 0 to 17772 Data columns (total 17 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 stock_locate 26660 non-null int64 1 tracking_number 26660 non-null int64 2 timestamp 26660 non-null timedelta64[ns] 3 stock 26660 non-null object 4 market_category 26660 non-null object 5 financial_status_indicator 26660 non-null object 6 round_lot_size 26660 non-null int64 7 round_lots_only 26660 non-null object 8 issue_classification 26660 non-null object 9 issue_sub_type 26660 non-null object 10 authenticity 26660 non-null object 11 short_sale_threshold_indicator 26660 non-null object 12 ipo_flag 26660 non-null object 13 luld_reference_price_tier 26660 non-null object 14 etp_flag 26660 non-null object 15 etp_leverage_factor 26660 non-null int64 16 inverse_indicator 26660 non-null object dtypes: int64(4), object(12), timedelta64[ns](1) memory usage: 3.7+ MB
As expected, a small number of the over 8,500 equity securities traded on this day account for most trades
with pd.HDFStore(itch_store) as store:
stocks = store['R'].loc[:, ['stock_locate', 'stock']]
trades = store['P'].append(store['Q'].rename(columns={'cross_price': 'price'}), sort=False).merge(stocks)
trades['value'] = trades.shares.mul(trades.price)
trades['value_share'] = trades.value.div(trades.value.sum())
trade_summary = trades.groupby('stock').value_share.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
trade_summary.iloc[:50].plot.bar(figsize=(14, 6), color='darkblue', title='% of Traded Value')
plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: '{:.0%}'.format(y)))
AAPL Trade Summary¶
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
trades = store['{}/trades'.format(stock)]
trades.price = trades.price.mul(1e-4) # format price
trades = trades[trades.cross == 0]
trades = trades.between_time(market_open, market_close).drop('cross', axis=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 100226 entries, 2019-10-30 09:30:00.010384780 to 2019-10-30 12:42:10.341410167 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 shares 100226 non-null int64 1 price 100226 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(1) memory usage: 2.3 MB
Tick Bars¶
The trade data is indexed by nanoseconds and is very noisy. The bid-ask bounce, for instance, causes the price to oscillate between the bid and ask prices when trade initiation alternates between buy and sell market orders. To improve the noise-signal ratio and improve the statistical properties, we need to resample and regularize the tick data by aggregating the trading activity.
We typically collect the open (first), low, high, and closing (last) price for the aggregated period, alongside the volume-weighted average price (VWAP), the number of shares traded, and the timestamp associated with the data.
tick_bars = trades.copy()
tick_bars.index = tick_bars.index.time
tick_bars.price.plot(figsize=(10, 5),
title='Tick Bars | {} | {}'.format(stock, pd.to_datetime(date).date()), lw=1)
Test for Normality of tick returns¶
- 낮은 p-value 값으로 알 수 있듯이 틱 수익률은 정규 분포와 많이 다르다.
NormaltestResult(statistic=40196.81734575012, pvalue=0.0)
Regularizing Tick Data¶
Price-Volume Chart¶
We will use the price_volume
function to compare the price-volume relation for various regularization methods.
def price_volume(df, price='vwap', vol='vol', suptitle=title, fname=None):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, figsize=(15,8))
axes[0].plot(df.index, df[price])
axes[1].bar(df.index, df[vol], width=1/(5*len(df.index)), color='r')
# formatting
xfmt = mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')
axes[1].get_xaxis().set_tick_params(which='major', pad=25)
axes[0].set_title('Price', fontsize=14)
axes[1].set_title('Volume', fontsize=14)
Time Bars¶
Time bars involve trade aggregation by period.
- 플레인 바닐라 잡은 제거: 시간 바 시간 바는 거래를 기간별로 합계한 것이다. 다음 코드로 시간 바에 대한 데이터를 얻는다.
def get_bar_stats(agg_trades):
vwap = agg_trades.apply(lambda x: np.average(x.price, weights=x.shares)).to_frame('vwap')
ohlc = agg_trades.price.ohlc()
vol = agg_trades.shares.sum().to_frame('vol')
txn = agg_trades.shares.size().to_frame('txn')
return pd.concat([ohlc, vwap, vol, txn], axis=1)
We create time bars using the .resample()
method with the desired period.
- 가격 거래량 차트
resampled = trades.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='1Min'))
time_bars = get_bar_stats(resampled)
NormaltestResult(statistic=46.461595102382866, pvalue=8.14690802426665e-11)
suptitle=f'Time Bars | {stock} | {pd.to_datetime(date).date()}',
Bokeh Candlestick Chart¶
Alternative visualization using the the bokeh library:
- bokeh 그래프 라이브러리를 이용해 데이터를 캔들스틱 차트로 표현
resampled = trades.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='5Min')) # 5 Min bars for better print
df = get_bar_stats(resampled)
increase = df.close > df.open
decrease = df.open > df.close
w = 2.5 * 60 * 1000 # 2.5 min in ms
WIDGETS = "pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, save"
p = figure(x_axis_type='datetime', tools=WIDGETS, plot_width=1500, title = "AAPL Candlestick")
p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi/4
p.segment(df.index, df.high, df.index, df.low, color="black")
p.vbar(df.index[increase], w, df.open[increase], df.close[increase], fill_color="#D5E1DD", line_color="black")
p.vbar(df.index[decrease], w, df.open[decrease], df.close[decrease], fill_color="#F2583E", line_color="black")
Volume Bars¶
- 주문의 파편화를 고려: 거래량 바
Time bars smooth some of the noise contained in the raw tick data but may fail to account for the fragmentation of orders. Execution-focused algorithmic trading may aim to match the volume weighted average price (VWAP) over a given period, and will divide a single order into multiple trades and place orders according to historical patterns. Time bars would treat the same order differently, even though no new information has arrived in the market.
Volume bars offer an alternative by aggregating trade data according to volume. We can accomplish this as follows:
시간 바는 기본 틱 데이터에 포함된 잡음을 어느 정도 평활화하지만 파편화된 주문을 처리하지 못한다. 체결 중심의 알고리듬 트레이딩은 주어진 기간 동안의 거래량 가중 평균 가격(VWAP)을 매치하는 것이고 목적이고 단일 주문을 여러 개의 주문으로 쪼개 과거의 거래량 패턴에 맞게 주문을 낸다.
거래량 바는 거래 데이터를 거래량에 맞춰 합계함으로써 대안을 제시한다.
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
trades = store['{}/trades'.format(stock)]
trades.price = trades.price.mul(1e-4)
trades = trades[trades.cross == 0]
trades = trades.between_time(market_open, market_close).drop('cross', axis=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 100226 entries, 2019-10-30 09:30:00.010384780 to 2019-10-30 12:42:10.341410167 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 shares 100226 non-null int64 1 price 100226 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(1) memory usage: 2.3 MB
trades_per_min = trades.shares.sum()/(60*7.5) # min per trading day
trades['cumul_vol'] = trades.shares.cumsum()
df = trades.reset_index()
by_vol = df.groupby(df.cumul_vol.div(trades_per_min).round().astype(int))
vol_bars = pd.concat([by_vol.timestamp.last().to_frame('timestamp'), get_bar_stats(by_vol)], axis=1)
timestamp | open | high | low | close | vwap | vol | txn | |
cumul_vol | ||||||||
0 | 2019-10-30 09:30:00.182683100 | 244.83 | 244.94 | 244.75 | 244.75 | 244.77 | 8236 | 37 |
1 | 2019-10-30 09:30:01.658316623 | 244.75 | 244.82 | 244.72 | 244.82 | 244.79 | 18795 | 178 |
2 | 2019-10-30 09:30:02.124737576 | 244.82 | 244.85 | 244.76 | 244.77 | 244.78 | 16735 | 121 |
3 | 2019-10-30 09:30:02.463948294 | 244.77 | 244.80 | 244.76 | 244.80 | 244.77 | 19116 | 34 |
4 | 2019-10-30 09:30:04.069090088 | 244.77 | 244.83 | 244.66 | 244.77 | 244.75 | 18422 | 125 |
suptitle=f'Volume Bars | {stock} | {pd.to_datetime(date).date()}',
NormaltestResult(statistic=17.54739190888271, pvalue=0.00015475057133158837)
Dollar Bars¶
- 가격 변화를 고려: 거래 금액 바
자산 가격이 크게 변하거나 주식 분할이 일어난 후 주어진 주식수의 가치가 변한다. 거래량 바는 이런 사실을 정확하게 반영하지 못하고 이러한 변화가 일어난 기간 간의 트레이딩 행태를 제대로 비교하지 못하게 한다. 이 경우 거래량 바는 주식 수와 가격의 곱을 이용한 거래 금액 바로 조정돼야 한다.
다음 코드는 거래 금액 바의 계산을 보여준다.
with pd.HDFStore(order_book_store) as store:
trades = store['{}/trades'.format(stock)]
trades.price = trades.price.mul(1e-4)
trades = trades[trades.cross == 0]
trades = trades.between_time(market_open, market_close).drop('cross', axis=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 100226 entries, 2019-10-30 09:30:00.010384780 to 2019-10-30 12:42:10.341410167 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 shares 100226 non-null int64 1 price 100226 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(1) memory usage: 2.3 MB
value_per_min = trades.shares.mul(trades.price).sum()/(60*7.5) # min per trading day
trades['cumul_val'] = trades.shares.mul(trades.price).cumsum()
df = trades.reset_index()
by_value = df.groupby(df.cumul_val.div(value_per_min).round().astype(int))
dollar_bars = pd.concat([by_value.timestamp.last().to_frame('timestamp'), get_bar_stats(by_value)], axis=1)
timestamp | open | high | low | close | vwap | vol | txn | |
cumul_val | ||||||||
0 | 2019-10-30 09:30:00.182683100 | 244.83 | 244.94 | 244.75 | 244.75 | 244.77 | 8236 | 37 |
1 | 2019-10-30 09:30:01.658316623 | 244.75 | 244.82 | 244.72 | 244.82 | 244.79 | 18295 | 177 |
2 | 2019-10-30 09:30:02.124737576 | 244.82 | 244.85 | 244.76 | 244.77 | 244.78 | 17235 | 122 |
3 | 2019-10-30 09:30:02.463948294 | 244.77 | 244.80 | 244.76 | 244.80 | 244.77 | 19016 | 33 |
4 | 2019-10-30 09:30:04.069090088 | 244.80 | 244.82 | 244.66 | 244.82 | 244.75 | 17778 | 121 |
suptitle=f'Dollar Bars | {stock} | {pd.to_datetime(date).date()}',
AlgoSeek 분바: 주식 호가와 거래 데이터¶
AlgoSeek은 기관 투자자에게만 제공됐던 품질의 과거 일별 데이터를 제공한다. AlgoSeek 분 바는 매우 상세한 일중 호가와 거래 데이터를 사용자 친화적 형태로 제공하며, 이는 일상적인 ML 기반 전략에서 쉽게 설계 및 백테스트를 할 수 있게 하기 위한 것이다.
통합 피드로부터 분 바까지¶
- AlgoSeek 분 바는 SIP에서 제공하는 데이터를 기반으로 한다.
SIP는 각 거래소로부터 최상의 매수와 매도 호가를 합계하고, 결과의 거래와 가격을 제공한다.
OHLC 바 호가는 MBBO를 기준으로 하며 각 매수나 매도 호가는 MBBO 가격을 의미한다.
호가와 거래 데이터 필드¶
분바 데이터에는 최대 54개의 필드가 포함된다. 바의 시가, 고가, 저가, 종가 요소에는 8개의 필드가 있다.
- 바와 해당 거래에 대한 타임스탬프
- 현재 매수-매도 호가와 관련 거래에 대한 가격 및 거래 규모
또한 바 기간 동안 거래량 정보가 포함된 14개의 데이터 포인트도 있다.
- 주식수와 해당 거래
- 매수 호가 이하, 매수 호가와 중간 가격, 중간 가격, 중간 가격과 매도 호가 사이, 매도 호가 위에서와 함께 크로스에서의 거래량
- 상승 틱 또는 하락 틱, 즉 가격이 상승 또는 하락했을 때와 가격이 변하지 않을 때의 거래 주식 수로, 이들의 움직임의 이전 방향에 의해 구별된다.
데이터는 바 기간의 거래량 가준평균 가격(VWAP)과 최소 및 최대 매수-매도 호가 스프레드를 포함한다.
Processing Algoseek's Trade & Quote Minute Bar data¶
- AlgoSeek 일중 데이터 처리 방법
In this notebook, we load the high-quality NASDAQ100 minute-bar trade-and-quote data generously provided by Algoseek (available here) that we will use in Chapter 12 to develop an intraday trading strategy.
Imports & Settings¶
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
idx = pd.IndexSlice
Algoseek Trade & Quote Minute Bar Data¶
- Data Dictionary
The Quote fields are based on changes to the NBBO (National Best Bid Offer) from the top-of-book price and size from each of the exchanges.
The enhanced Trade & Quote bar fields include the following fields:
- Field: Name of Field.
- Q / T: Field based on Quotes or Trades
- Type: Field format
- No Value: Value of field when there is no value or data.
- Note: “Never” means field should always have a value EXCEPT for the first bar of the day.
- Description: Description of the field.
id | Field | Q/T | Type | No Value | Description |
1 | Date |
YYYYMMDD | Never | Trade Date | |
2 | Ticker |
String | Never | Ticker Symbol | |
3 | TimeBarStart |
Never | For minute bars: HHMM. For second bars: HHMMSS. Examples - One second bar 130302 is from time greater than 130301 to 130302. - One minute bar 1104 is from time greater than 1103 to 1104. |
4 | OpenBarTime |
Q | HHMMSSMMM | Never | Open Time of the Bar, for example one minute: 11:03:00.000 |
5 | OpenBidPrice |
Q | Number | Never | NBBO Bid Price as of bar Open |
6 | OpenBidSize |
Q | Number | Never | Total Size from all Exchanges with OpenBidPrice |
7 | OpenAskPrice |
Q | Number | Never | NBBO Ask Price as of bar Open |
8 | OpenAskSize |
Q | Number | Never | Total Size from all Exchange with OpenAskPrice |
9 | FirstTradeTime |
T | HHMMSSMMM | Blank | Time of first Trade |
10 | FirstTradePrice |
T | Number | Blank | Price of first Trade |
11 | FirstTradeSize |
T | Number | Blank | Number of shares of first trade |
12 | HighBidTime |
Q | HHMMSSMMM | Never | Time of highest NBBO Bid Price |
13 | HighBidPrice |
Q | Number | Never | Highest NBBO Bid Price |
14 | HighBidSize |
Q | Number | Never | Total Size from all Exchanges with HighBidPrice |
15 | AskPriceAtHighBidPrice |
Q | Number | Never | Ask Price at time of Highest Bid Price |
16 | AskSizeAtHighBidPrice |
Q | Number | Never | Total Size from all Exchanges with AskPriceAtHighBidPrice |
17 | HighTradeTime |
T | HHMMSSMMM | Blank | Time of Highest Trade |
18 | HighTradePrice |
T | Number | Blank | Price of highest Trade |
19 | HighTradeSize |
T | Number | Blank | Number of shares of highest trade |
20 | LowBidTime |
Q | HHMMSSMMM | Never | Time of lowest Bid |
21 | LowBidPrice |
Q | Number | Never | Lowest NBBO Bid price of bar. |
22 | LowBidSize |
Q | Number | Never | Total Size from all Exchanges with LowBidPrice |
23 | AskPriceAtLowBidPrice |
Q | Number | Never | Ask Price at lowest Bid price |
24 | AskSizeAtLowBidPrice |
Q | Number | Never | Total Size from all Exchanges with AskPriceAtLowBidPrice |
25 | LowTradeTime |
T | HHMMSSMMM | Blank | Time of lowest Trade |
26 | LowTradePrice |
T | Number | Blank | Price of lowest Trade |
27 | LowTradeSize |
T | Number | Blank | Number of shares of lowest trade |
28 | CloseBarTime |
Q | HHMMSSMMM | Never | Close Time of the Bar, for example one minute: 11:03:59.999 |
29 | CloseBidPrice |
Q | Number | Never | NBBO Bid Price at bar Close |
30 | CloseBidSize |
Q | Number | Never | Total Size from all Exchange with CloseBidPrice |
31 | CloseAskPrice |
Q | Number | Never | NBBO Ask Price at bar Close |
32 | CloseAskSize |
Q | Number | Never | Total Size from all Exchange with CloseAskPrice |
33 | LastTradeTime |
T | HHMMSSMMM | Blank | Time of last Trade |
34 | LastTradePrice |
T | Number | Blank | Price of last Trade |
35 | LastTradeSize |
T | Number | Blank | Number of shares of last trade |
36 | MinSpread |
Q | Number | Never | Minimum Bid-Ask spread size. This may be 0 if the market was crossed during the bar. If negative spread due to back quote, make it 0. |
37 | MaxSpread |
Q | Number | Never | Maximum Bid-Ask spread in bar |
38 | CancelSize |
T | Number | 0 | Total shares canceled. Default=blank |
39 | VolumeWeightPrice |
T | Number | Blank | Trade Volume weighted average price Sum(( Trade1Shares Price )+(Trade2Shares Price )+…)/TotalShares . Note: Blank if no trades. |
40 | NBBOQuoteCount |
Q | Number | 0 | Number of Bid and Ask NNBO quotes during bar period. |
41 | TradeAtBid |
Q,T | Number | 0 | Sum of trade volume that occurred at or below the bid (a trade reported/printed late can be below current bid). |
42 | TradeAtBidMid |
Q,T | Number | 0 | Sum of trade volume that occurred between the bid and the mid-point: (Trade Price > NBBO Bid ) & (Trade Price < NBBO Mid ) |
43 | TradeAtMid |
Q,T | Number | 0 | Sum of trade volume that occurred at mid. TradePrice = NBBO MidPoint |
44 | TradeAtMidAsk |
Q,T | Number | 0 | Sum of ask volume that occurred between the mid and ask: (Trade Price > NBBO Mid) & (Trade Price < NBBO Ask) |
45 | TradeAtAsk |
Q,T | Number | 0 | Sum of trade volume that occurred at or above the Ask. |
46 | TradeAtCrossOrLocked |
Q,T | Number | 0 | Sum of trade volume for bar when national best bid/offer is locked or crossed. Locked is Bid = Ask Crossed is Bid > Ask |
47 | Volume |
T | Number | 0 | Total number of shares traded |
48 | TotalTrades |
T | Number | 0 | Total number of trades |
49 | FinraVolume |
T | Number | 0 | Number of shares traded that are reported by FINRA. Trades reported by FINRA are from broker-dealer internalization, dark pools, Over-The-Counter, etc. FINRA trades represent volume that is hidden or not public available to trade. |
50 | UptickVolume |
T | Integer | 0 | Total number of shares traded with upticks during bar. An uptick = ( trade price > last trade price ) |
51 | DowntickVolume |
T | Integer | 0 | Total number of shares traded with downticks during bar. A downtick = ( trade price < last trade price ) |
52 | RepeatUptickVolume |
T | Integer | 0 | Total number of shares where trade price is the same (repeated) and last price change was up during bar. Repeat uptick = ( trade price == last trade price ) & (last tick direction == up ) |
53 | RepeatDowntickVolume |
T | Integer | 0 | Total number of shares where trade price is the same (repeated) and last price change was down during bar. Repeat downtick = ( trade price == last trade price ) & (last tick direction == down ) |
54 | UnknownVolume |
T | Integer | 0 | When the first trade of the day takes place, the tick direction is “unknown” as there is no previous Trade to compare it to. This field is the volume of the first trade after 4am and acts as an initiation value for the tick volume directions. In future this bar will be renamed to UnkownTickDirectionVolume . |
- Notes
Empty Fields
An empty field has no value and is “Blank” , for example FirstTradeTime and there are no trades during the bar period.
The field Volume
measuring total number of shares traded in bar will be 0
if there are no Trades (see No Value
column above for each field).
No Bid/Ask/Trade OHLC
During a bar timeframe there may not be a change in the NBBO or an actual Trade. For example, there can be a bar with OHLC Bid/Ask but no Trade OHLC.
Single Event
For bars with only one trade, one NBBO bid or one NBBO ask then Open/High/Low/Close price,size andtime will be the same.
, AskSizeAtHighBidPrice
, AskPriceAtLowBidPrice
, AskSizeAtLowBidPrice
To provide consistent Bid/Ask prices at a point in time while showing the low/high Bid/Ask for the bar, AlgoSeek uses the low/high Bid
and the corresponding Ask
at that price.
Why are Trade Prices often inside the Bid Price to Ask Price range?
The Low/High Bid/Ask is the low and high NBBO price for the bar range.
Very often a Trade may not occur at these prices as the price may only last a few seconds or executions are being crossed at mid-point due to hidden order types that execute at mid-point or as price improvement over current Bid
How to get exchange tradable shares?
To get the exchange tradable volume in a bar subtract Volume
from FinraVolume
is the total number of shares traded.FinraVolume
is the total number of shares traded that are reported as executions by FINRA.
When a trade is done that is off the listed exchanges, it must be reported to FINRA by the brokerage firm or dark pool. Examples include:
- internal crosses by broker dealer
- over-the-counter block trades, and
- dark pool executions.
Data prep¶
We use the 'Trade and Quote' dataset - see documentation for details on the definition of the numerous fields.
tcols = ['openbartime',
drop_cols = ['unknowntickvolume',
keep = ['firsttradeprice',
We will shorten most of the field names to reduce typing:
columns = {'volumeweightprice': 'price',
'finravolume': 'fvolume',
'finravolumeweightprice': 'fprice',
'uptickvolume': 'up',
'downtickvolume': 'down',
'repeatuptickvolume': 'rup',
'repeatdowntickvolume': 'rdown',
'firsttradeprice': 'first',
'hightradeprice': 'high',
'lowtradeprice': 'low',
'lasttradeprice': 'last',
'nbboquotecount': 'nbbo',
'totaltrades': 'ntrades',
'openbidprice': 'obprice',
'openbidsize': 'obsize',
'openaskprice': 'oaprice',
'openasksize': 'oasize',
'highbidprice': 'hbprice',
'highbidsize': 'hbsize',
'highaskprice': 'haprice',
'highasksize': 'hasize',
'lowbidprice': 'lbprice',
'lowbidsize': 'lbsize',
'lowaskprice': 'laprice',
'lowasksize': 'lasize',
'closebidprice': 'cbprice',
'closebidsize': 'cbsize',
'closeaskprice': 'caprice',
'closeasksize': 'casize',
'firsttradesize': 'firstsize',
'hightradesize': 'highsize',
'lowtradesize': 'lowsize',
'lasttradesize': 'lastsize',
'tradetomidvolweight': 'volweight',
'tradetomidvolweightrelative': 'volweightrel'}
The Algoseek minute-bar data comes in compressed csv files that contain the data for one symbol and day, organized in three directories for each year (2015-17). The function extract_and_combine_data
reads the ~80K source files and combines them into a single hdf5
file for faster access.
The data is fairly large (>8GB), and if you run into memory constraints, please modify the code to process the data in smaller chunks. One options is to iterate over the three directories containing data for a single year only, and storing each year separately.
nasdaq_path = Path('../../data/nasdaq100')
- 거래 전용 분 바 데이터를 일별 .parquet 파일로 추출한다.
def extract_and_combine_data():
path = nasdaq_path / '1min_taq'
if not path.exists():
data = []
# ~80K files to process
for f in tqdm(list(path.glob('*/**/*.csv.gz'))):
data.append(pd.read_csv(f, parse_dates=[['Date', 'TimeBarStart']])
.drop(tcols + drop_cols, axis=1)
.between_time('9:30', '16:00')
.set_index('ticker', append=True)
.rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace('tradeat', 'at')))
data = pd.concat(data).apply(pd.to_numeric, downcast='integer')
data.index.rename(['ticker', 'date_time'], inplace=True)
data.to_hdf(nasdaq_path / 'algoseek.h5', 'min_taq')
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-102-6b1a5cf96734> in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 extract_and_combine_data() <ipython-input-101-065b9c77e8fd> in extract_and_combine_data() 17 .swaplevel() 18 .rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace('tradeat', 'at'))) ---> 19 data = pd.concat(data).apply(pd.to_numeric, downcast='integer') 20 data.index.rename(['ticker', 'date_time'], inplace=True) 21 print(data.info(show_counts=True)) /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/util/_decorators.py in wrapper(*args, **kwargs) 329 stacklevel=find_stack_level(), 330 ) --> 331 return func(*args, **kwargs) 332 333 # error: "Callable[[VarArg(Any), KwArg(Any)], Any]" has no /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/core/reshape/concat.py in concat(objs, axis, join, ignore_index, keys, levels, names, verify_integrity, sort, copy) 366 1 3 4 367 """ --> 368 op = _Concatenator( 369 objs, 370 axis=axis, /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/core/reshape/concat.py in __init__(self, objs, axis, join, keys, levels, names, ignore_index, verify_integrity, copy, sort) 423 424 if len(objs) == 0: --> 425 raise ValueError("No objects to concatenate") 426 427 if keys is None: ValueError: No objects to concatenate
df = pd.read_hdf(nasdaq_path / 'algoseek.h5', 'min_taq')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> MultiIndex: 31355463 entries, ('MSFT', Timestamp('2015-02-09 09:30:00')) to ('DISH', Timestamp('2016-10-11 16:00:00')) Data columns (total 45 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 obprice 31355451 non-null float64 1 obsize 31355451 non-null float64 2 oaprice 31355457 non-null float64 3 oasize 31355457 non-null float64 4 first 30955838 non-null float64 5 firstsize 30955838 non-null float64 6 hbprice 31355463 non-null float64 7 hbsize 31355463 non-null int32 8 haprice 31355463 non-null float64 9 hasize 31355463 non-null int32 10 high 30955838 non-null float64 11 highsize 30955838 non-null float64 12 lbprice 31355463 non-null float64 13 lbsize 31355463 non-null int32 14 laprice 31355463 non-null float64 15 lasize 31355463 non-null int32 16 low 30955838 non-null float64 17 lowsize 30955838 non-null float64 18 cbprice 31355463 non-null float64 19 cbsize 31355463 non-null int32 20 caprice 31355463 non-null float64 21 casize 31355463 non-null int32 22 last 30955838 non-null float64 23 lastsize 30955838 non-null float64 24 minspread 31354810 non-null float64 25 maxspread 31355327 non-null float64 26 price 30386944 non-null float64 27 nbbo 31355463 non-null int32 28 atbid 31355463 non-null int32 29 atbidmid 31355463 non-null int32 30 atmid 31355463 non-null int32 31 atmidask 31355463 non-null int32 32 atask 31355463 non-null int32 33 volume 31355463 non-null int32 34 ntrades 31355463 non-null int16 35 fvolume 31355463 non-null int32 36 fprice 29561289 non-null float64 37 up 31355463 non-null int32 38 down 31355463 non-null int32 39 rup 31355463 non-null int32 40 rdown 31355463 non-null int32 41 volweight 30386944 non-null float64 42 volweightrel 30386944 non-null float64 43 timeweightbid 31355463 non-null float64 44 timeweightask 31355463 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(26), int16(1), int32(18) memory usage: 8.4+ GB
NASDAQ 100 Constituents¶
The dataset contains 142 stocks because there were multiple changes to index membership over the 2015-17 period:
The below heatmap highlights the frequent entry/exit points of various securities, which emphasizes the need for a survivorship-free dataset.
constituents = (df.groupby([df.index.get_level_values('date_time').date, 'ticker'])
.replace(0, np.nan))
constituents.index = pd.to_datetime(constituents.index)
constituents = constituents.resample('M').max()
constituents.index = constituents.index.date
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 20))
mask = constituents.T.isnull()
ax = sns.heatmap(constituents.T, mask=mask, cbar=False, ax=ax, cmap='Blues_r')
fig.suptitle('NASDAQ100 Constituents (2015-2017)')
시장 데이터에 대한 API 접근¶
파이썬을 이용한 API로 시장 데이터에 접근하는 옵션
- yfinance
- Quantopian(퀀토피안)
- Quendl(퀀들)
- Zipline(집라인)
소스 코드: 03_data_providers 폴더
판다스를 이용한 원거리 데이터 접근¶
판다스 라이브러리는 read_html 함수를 사용해 데이터에 접근할 수 있다. 관련된 pandas-datareader 라이브러리를 통해 다양한 데이터 공급자의 API 단말에 전급할 수 있다.
Remote data access using pandas¶
The pandas library enables access to data displayed on websites using the read_html()
function and access to the API endpoints of various data providers through the related pandas-datareader
Imports & Settings¶
import warnings
!pip install mplfinance
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://us-python.pkg.dev/colab-wheels/public/simple/ Collecting mplfinance Downloading mplfinance-0.12.9b7-py3-none-any.whl (73 kB) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 73.1/73.1 kB 4.9 MB/s eta 0:00:00 Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from mplfinance) (3.7.1) Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from mplfinance) (1.5.3) Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (1.0.7) Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (0.11.0) Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (4.39.3) Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (1.4.4) Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.20 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (1.22.4) Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (23.1) Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (8.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.3.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (3.0.9) Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib->mplfinance) (2.8.2) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas->mplfinance) (2022.7.1) Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7->matplotlib->mplfinance) (1.16.0) Installing collected packages: mplfinance Successfully installed mplfinance-0.12.9b7
%matplotlib inline
import os
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader.data as web
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplfinance as mpf
import seaborn as sns
Download html table with SP500 constituents¶
- HTML 테이블 읽기 하나 이상의 HTML 테이블을 예로 들면 위키피디아에서 S&P 500 지수의 구성 종목에 대해 다음과 같이 다운로드 할 수 있다.
The download of the content of one or more html tables works as follows, for instance for the constituents of the S&P500 index from Wikipedia
sp_url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_S%26P_500_companies'
sp500_constituents = pd.read_html(sp_url, header=0)[0]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 503 entries, 0 to 502 Data columns (total 8 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Symbol 503 non-null object 1 Security 503 non-null object 2 GICS Sector 503 non-null object 3 GICS Sub-Industry 503 non-null object 4 Headquarters Location 503 non-null object 5 Date added 493 non-null object 6 CIK 503 non-null int64 7 Founded 503 non-null object dtypes: int64(1), object(7) memory usage: 31.6+ KB
Symbol | Security | GICS Sector | GICS Sub-Industry | Headquarters Location | Date added | CIK | Founded | |
0 | MMM | 3M | Industrials | Industrial Conglomerates | Saint Paul, Minnesota | 1957-03-04 | 66740 | 1902 |
1 | AOS | A. O. Smith | Industrials | Building Products | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 2017-07-26 | 91142 | 1916 |
2 | ABT | Abbott | Health Care | Health Care Equipment | North Chicago, Illinois | 1957-03-04 | 1800 | 1888 |
3 | ABBV | AbbVie | Health Care | Pharmaceuticals | North Chicago, Illinois | 2012-12-31 | 1551152 | 2013 (1888) |
4 | ACN | Accenture | Information Technology | IT Consulting & Other Services | Dublin, Ireland | 2011-07-06 | 1467373 | 1989 |
pandas-datareader for Market Data¶
- 시장 데이터 다운로드를 위한 판다스-데이터리더
과거에는 판다스가 데이터 공급자들의 API에 직접 접근할 수 있었으나, 현재는 이 기능이 pandas-datareader 라이브러리로 이동했다.
데이터 접근과 추출은 모든 소스에 대해 야후! 파이낸스의 예시와 유사한 API를 따른다.
used to facilitate access to data providers' APIs directly, but this functionality has moved to the related pandas-datareader library. The stability of the APIs varies with provider policies, and as of June 2o18 at version 0.7, the following sources are available
See documentation; functionality frequently changes as underlying provider APIs evolve.
Yahoo Finance¶
# 패키지가 변경된 것으로 추정
'''start = '2014'
end = datetime(2017, 5, 24)
yahoo= web.DataReader('FB', 'yahoo', start=start, end=end)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-20-95a8b2c2ba52> in <cell line: 5>() 3 end = datetime(2017, 5, 24) 4 ----> 5 yahoo= web.DataReader('FB', 'yahoo', start=start, end=end) 6 yahoo.info() /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/util/_decorators.py in wrapper(*args, **kwargs) 209 else: 210 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value --> 211 return func(*args, **kwargs) 212 213 return cast(F, wrapper) /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas_datareader/data.py in DataReader(name, data_source, start, end, retry_count, pause, session, api_key) 377 pause=pause, 378 session=session, --> 379 ).read() 380 381 elif data_source == "iex": /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas_datareader/base.py in read(self) 251 # If a single symbol, (e.g., 'GOOG') 252 if isinstance(self.symbols, (string_types, int)): --> 253 df = self._read_one_data(self.url, params=self._get_params(self.symbols)) 254 # Or multiple symbols, (e.g., ['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'MSFT']) 255 elif isinstance(self.symbols, DataFrame): /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas_datareader/yahoo/daily.py in _read_one_data(self, url, params) 151 try: 152 j = json.loads(re.search(ptrn, resp.text, re.DOTALL).group(1)) --> 153 data = j["context"]["dispatcher"]["stores"]["HistoricalPriceStore"] 154 except KeyError: 155 msg = "No data fetched for symbol {} using {}" TypeError: string indices must be integers
import yfinance as yf
import mplfinance as mpf
start = datetime(2014, 1, 1)
end = datetime(2017, 5, 24)
yahoo = yf.download('MSFT', start=start, end=end)
if not yahoo.empty: # 데이터가 비어있지 않은 경우에만 시각화
yahoo.index = pd.to_datetime(yahoo.index)
mpf.plot(yahoo.drop('Adj Close', axis=1), type='candle')
print("데이터가 없습니다.")
[*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>
IEX is an alternative exchange started in response to the HFT controversy and portrayed in Michael Lewis' controversial Flash Boys. It aims to slow down the speed of trading to create a more level playing field and has been growing rapidly since launch in 2016 while still small with a market share of around 2.5% in June 2018.
Note: IEX now requires an API key after registration for (free) account that you can store as environment variable and retrieve as illustrated below, or pass directly via keyword argument to
start = datetime(2015, 2, 9)
# end = datetime(2017, 5, 24)
iex = web.DataReader('FB', 'iex', start, api_key=IEX_API_KEY)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 1519 entries, 2015-02-09 to 2021-02-19 Data columns (total 5 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 open 1519 non-null float64 1 high 1519 non-null float64 2 low 1519 non-null float64 3 close 1519 non-null float64 4 volume 1519 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(4), int64(1) memory usage: 71.2+ KB
open | high | low | close | volume | |
date | |||||
2021-02-12 | 270.520 | 271.18 | 268.34 | 270.50 | 9097597 |
2021-02-16 | 270.800 | 276.60 | 270.05 | 273.97 | 15417243 |
2021-02-17 | 271.240 | 273.97 | 269.58 | 273.57 | 12763240 |
2021-02-18 | 269.565 | 271.95 | 266.03 | 269.39 | 15249134 |
2021-02-19 | 269.860 | 270.27 | 260.15 | 261.56 | 25622587 |
iex.close.plot(figsize=(14, 5))
- Book Data
In addition to historical EOD price and volume data, IEX provides real-time depth of book quotations that offer an aggregated size of orders by price and side. This service also includes last trade price and size information.
DEEP is used to receive real-time depth of book quotations direct from IEX. The depth of book quotations received via DEEP provide an aggregated size of resting displayed orders at a price and side, and do not indicate the size or number of individual orders at any price level. Non-displayed orders and non-displayed portions of reserve orders are not represented in DEEP.
DEEP also provides last trade price and size information. Trades resulting from either displayed or non-displayed orders matching on IEX will be reported. Routed executions will not be reported.
Only works on trading days.
book = web.get_iex_book('AAPL')
['symbol', 'marketPercent', 'volume', 'lastSalePrice', 'lastSaleSize', 'lastSaleTime', 'lastUpdated', 'bids', 'asks', 'systemEvent', 'tradingStatus', 'opHaltStatus', 'ssrStatus', 'securityEvent', 'trades', 'tradeBreaks']
orders = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(book[side]).assign(side=side) for side in ['bids', 'asks']])
side |
for key in book.keys():
symbol AAPL marketPercent 0.01824 volume 1874997 lastSalePrice 125.98 lastSaleSize 3 lastSaleTime 1614027994379 lastUpdated 1614031191208 bids Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [] asks Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [] systemEvent {'systemEvent': 'C', 'timestamp': 1614031800007} tradingStatus {'status': 'T', 'reason': ' ', 'timestamp': 1613996038606} opHaltStatus {'isHalted': False, 'timestamp': 1613996038606} ssrStatus {'isSSR': False, 'detail': ' ', 'timestamp': 1613996038606} securityEvent {'securityEvent': 'MarketClose', 'timestamp': 1614027600000} trades price size tradeId isISO isOddLot isOutsideRegularHours \ 0 125.980 3 2565301038 True True True 1 126.010 20 2561192133 False True False 2 126.010 35 2561162510 False True False 3 126.005 100 2560819178 False False False 4 126.005 100 2560535358 False False False 5 126.010 100 2559785204 False False False 6 126.020 132 2559650792 False False False 7 126.045 100 2559329974 False False False 8 126.060 300 2559317473 True False False 9 126.050 1 2559295066 True True False 10 126.035 100 2559185683 False False False 11 126.010 300 2558525991 False False False 12 126.010 6 2558455856 True True False 13 126.010 30 2558411929 True True False 14 126.020 300 2558025659 False False False 15 126.010 300 2558014028 False False False 16 126.015 100 2557970786 False False False 17 126.020 90 2557488823 True True False 18 126.020 3 2557462987 True True False 19 126.000 100 2557328682 True False False isSinglePriceCross isTradeThroughExempt timestamp 0 False False 1614027994379 1 False False 1614027597753 2 False False 1614027597658 3 False False 1614027596970 4 False False 1614027596307 5 False False 1614027594703 6 False False 1614027594402 7 False False 1614027593980 8 False True 1614027593950 9 False False 1614027593916 10 False False 1614027593636 11 False False 1614027592039 12 False False 1614027591885 13 False False 1614027591777 14 False False 1614027591036 15 False False 1614027591023 16 False False 1614027590959 17 False False 1614027590145 18 False False 1614027590119 19 False False 1614027590005 tradeBreaks Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: []
price | size | tradeId | isISO | isOddLot | isOutsideRegularHours | isSinglePriceCross | isTradeThroughExempt | timestamp | |
0 | 125.980 | 3 | 2565301038 | True | True | True | False | False | 1614027994379 |
1 | 126.010 | 20 | 2561192133 | False | True | False | False | False | 1614027597753 |
2 | 126.010 | 35 | 2561162510 | False | True | False | False | False | 1614027597658 |
3 | 126.005 | 100 | 2560819178 | False | False | False | False | False | 1614027596970 |
4 | 126.005 | 100 | 2560535358 | False | False | False | False | False | 1614027596307 |
Obtain Quandl API Key and store in environment variable as QUANDL_API_KEY
symbol = 'FB.US'
quandl = web.DataReader(symbol, 'quandl', '2015-01-01')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 813 entries, 2018-03-27 to 2015-01-02 Data columns (total 12 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Open 813 non-null float64 1 High 813 non-null float64 2 Low 813 non-null float64 3 Close 813 non-null float64 4 Volume 813 non-null float64 5 ExDividend 813 non-null float64 6 SplitRatio 813 non-null float64 7 AdjOpen 813 non-null float64 8 AdjHigh 813 non-null float64 9 AdjLow 813 non-null float64 10 AdjClose 813 non-null float64 11 AdjVolume 813 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(12) memory usage: 82.6 KB
start = datetime(2010, 1, 1)
end = datetime(2013, 1, 27)
gdp = web.DataReader('GDP', 'fred', start, end)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 13 entries, 2010-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Data columns (total 1 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 GDP 13 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1) memory usage: 208.0 bytes
inflation = web.DataReader(['CPIAUCSL', 'CPILFESL'], 'fred', start, end)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 37 entries, 2010-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 CPIAUCSL 37 non-null float64 1 CPILFESL 37 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(2) memory usage: 888.0 bytes
from pandas_datareader.famafrench import get_available_datasets
['F-F_Research_Data_Factors', 'F-F_Research_Data_Factors_weekly', 'F-F_Research_Data_Factors_daily', 'F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3', 'F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3_daily', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_ME', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_ME_Wout_Div', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_ME_Daily', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_BE-ME', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_BE-ME_Wout_Div', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_BE-ME_Daily', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_OP', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_OP_Wout_Div', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_OP_Daily', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_INV', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_INV_Wout_Div', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_INV_Daily', '6_Portfolios_2x3', '6_Portfolios_2x3_Wout_Div', '6_Portfolios_2x3_weekly', '6_Portfolios_2x3_daily', '25_Portfolios_5x5', '25_Portfolios_5x5_Wout_Div', '25_Portfolios_5x5_Daily', '100_Portfolios_10x10', '100_Portfolios_10x10_Wout_Div', '100_Portfolios_10x10_Daily', '6_Portfolios_ME_OP_2x3', '6_Portfolios_ME_OP_2x3_Wout_Div', '6_Portfolios_ME_OP_2x3_daily', '25_Portfolios_ME_OP_5x5', '25_Portfolios_ME_OP_5x5_Wout_Div', '25_Portfolios_ME_OP_5x5_daily', '100_Portfolios_ME_OP_10x10', '100_Portfolios_10x10_ME_OP_Wout_Div', '100_Portfolios_ME_OP_10x10_daily', '6_Portfolios_ME_INV_2x3', '6_Portfolios_ME_INV_2x3_Wout_Div', '6_Portfolios_ME_INV_2x3_daily', '25_Portfolios_ME_INV_5x5', '25_Portfolios_ME_INV_5x5_Wout_Div', '25_Portfolios_ME_INV_5x5_daily', '100_Portfolios_ME_INV_10x10', '100_Portfolios_10x10_ME_INV_Wout_Div', '100_Portfolios_ME_INV_10x10_daily', '25_Portfolios_BEME_OP_5x5', '25_Portfolios_BEME_OP_5x5_Wout_Div', '25_Portfolios_BEME_OP_5x5_daily', '25_Portfolios_BEME_INV_5x5', '25_Portfolios_BEME_INV_5x5_Wout_Div', '25_Portfolios_BEME_INV_5x5_daily', '25_Portfolios_OP_INV_5x5', '25_Portfolios_OP_INV_5x5_Wout_Div', '25_Portfolios_OP_INV_5x5_daily', '32_Portfolios_ME_BEME_OP_2x4x4', '32_Portfolios_ME_BEME_OP_2x4x4_Wout_Div', '32_Portfolios_ME_BEME_INV_2x4x4', '32_Portfolios_ME_BEME_INV_2x4x4_Wout_Div', '32_Portfolios_ME_OP_INV_2x4x4', '32_Portfolios_ME_OP_INV_2x4x4_Wout_Div', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_E-P', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_E-P_Wout_Div', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_CF-P', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_CF-P_Wout_Div', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_D-P', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_D-P_Wout_Div', '6_Portfolios_ME_EP_2x3', '6_Portfolios_ME_EP_2x3_Wout_Div', '6_Portfolios_ME_CFP_2x3', '6_Portfolios_ME_CFP_2x3_Wout_Div', '6_Portfolios_ME_DP_2x3', '6_Portfolios_ME_DP_2x3_Wout_Div', 'F-F_Momentum_Factor', 'F-F_Momentum_Factor_daily', '6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', '6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2_Daily', '25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', '25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2_Daily', '10_Portfolios_Prior_12_2', '10_Portfolios_Prior_12_2_Daily', 'F-F_ST_Reversal_Factor', 'F-F_ST_Reversal_Factor_daily', '6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_1_0', '6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_1_0_Daily', '25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_1_0', '25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_1_0_Daily', '10_Portfolios_Prior_1_0', '10_Portfolios_Prior_1_0_Daily', 'F-F_LT_Reversal_Factor', 'F-F_LT_Reversal_Factor_daily', '6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_60_13', '6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_60_13_Daily', '25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_60_13', '25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_60_13_Daily', '10_Portfolios_Prior_60_13', '10_Portfolios_Prior_60_13_Daily', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_AC', '25_Portfolios_ME_AC_5x5', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_BETA', '25_Portfolios_ME_BETA_5x5', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_NI', '25_Portfolios_ME_NI_5x5', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_VAR', '25_Portfolios_ME_VAR_5x5', 'Portfolios_Formed_on_RESVAR', '25_Portfolios_ME_RESVAR_5x5', '5_Industry_Portfolios', '5_Industry_Portfolios_Wout_Div', '5_Industry_Portfolios_daily', '10_Industry_Portfolios', '10_Industry_Portfolios_Wout_Div', '10_Industry_Portfolios_daily', '12_Industry_Portfolios', '12_Industry_Portfolios_Wout_Div', '12_Industry_Portfolios_daily', '17_Industry_Portfolios', '17_Industry_Portfolios_Wout_Div', '17_Industry_Portfolios_daily', '30_Industry_Portfolios', '30_Industry_Portfolios_Wout_Div', '30_Industry_Portfolios_daily', '38_Industry_Portfolios', '38_Industry_Portfolios_Wout_Div', '38_Industry_Portfolios_daily', '48_Industry_Portfolios', '48_Industry_Portfolios_Wout_Div', '48_Industry_Portfolios_daily', '49_Industry_Portfolios', '49_Industry_Portfolios_Wout_Div', '49_Industry_Portfolios_daily', 'ME_Breakpoints', 'BE-ME_Breakpoints', 'OP_Breakpoints', 'INV_Breakpoints', 'E-P_Breakpoints', 'CF-P_Breakpoints', 'D-P_Breakpoints', 'Prior_2-12_Breakpoints', 'Developed_3_Factors', 'Developed_3_Factors_Daily', 'Developed_ex_US_3_Factors', 'Developed_ex_US_3_Factors_Daily', 'Europe_3_Factors', 'Europe_3_Factors_Daily', 'Japan_3_Factors', 'Japan_3_Factors_Daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_3_Factors', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_3_Factors_Daily', 'North_America_3_Factors', 'North_America_3_Factors_Daily', 'Developed_5_Factors', 'Developed_5_Factors_Daily', 'Developed_ex_US_5_Factors', 'Developed_ex_US_5_Factors_Daily', 'Europe_5_Factors', 'Europe_5_Factors_Daily', 'Japan_5_Factors', 'Japan_5_Factors_Daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_5_Factors', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_5_Factors_Daily', 'North_America_5_Factors', 'North_America_5_Factors_Daily', 'Developed_Mom_Factor', 'Developed_Mom_Factor_Daily', 'Developed_ex_US_Mom_Factor', 'Developed_ex_US_Mom_Factor_Daily', 'Europe_Mom_Factor', 'Europe_Mom_Factor_Daily', 'Japan_Mom_Factor', 'Japan_Mom_Factor_Daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_MOM_Factor', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_MOM_Factor_Daily', 'North_America_Mom_Factor', 'North_America_Mom_Factor_Daily', 'Developed_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Developed_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Developed_ex_US_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Developed_ex_US_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Europe_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Europe_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'North_America_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'North_America_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Developed_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Developed_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Developed_ex_US_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Developed_ex_US_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_daily', 'Developed_6_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Developed_6_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Developed_ex_US_6_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Developed_ex_US_6_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Europe_6_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Europe_6_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'North_America_6_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'North_America_6_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Developed_25_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Developed_25_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Developed_ex_US_25_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Developed_ex_US_25_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_OP_Daily', 'Developed_6_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Developed_6_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Developed_ex_US_6_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Developed_ex_US_6_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Europe_6_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Europe_6_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'North_America_6_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'North_America_6_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Developed_25_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Developed_25_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Developed_ex_US_25_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Developed_ex_US_25_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_INV_Daily', 'Developed_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Developed_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Developed_ex_US_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Developed_ex_US_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Europe_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Europe_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'North_America_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'North_America_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Developed_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Developed_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Developed_ex_US_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Developed_ex_US_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Europe_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'North_America_25_Portfolios_ME_Prior_250_20_daily', 'Developed_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_OP_2x4x4', 'Developed_ex_US_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_OP_2x4x4', 'Europe_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_OP_2x4x4', 'Japan_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_OP_2x4x4', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_OP_2x4x4', 'North_America_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_OP_2x4x4', 'Developed_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_INV(TA)_2x4x4', 'Developed_ex_US_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_INV(TA)_2x4x4', 'Europe_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_INV(TA)_2x4x4', 'Japan_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_INV(TA)_2x4x4', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_INV(TA)_2x4x4', 'North_America_32_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME_INV(TA)_2x4x4', 'Developed_32_Portfolios_ME_INV(TA)_OP_2x4x4', 'Developed_ex_US_32_Portfolios_ME_INV(TA)_OP_2x4x4', 'Europe_32_Portfolios_ME_INV(TA)_OP_2x4x4', 'Japan_32_Portfolios_ME_INV(TA)_OP_2x4x4', 'Asia_Pacific_ex_Japan_32_Portfolios_ME_INV(TA)_OP_2x4x4', 'North_America_32_Portfolios_ME_INV(TA)_OP_2x4x4', 'Emerging_5_Factors', 'Emerging_MOM_Factor', 'Emerging_Markets_6_Portfolios_ME_BE-ME', 'Emerging_Markets_6_Portfolios_ME_OP', 'Emerging_Markets_6_Portfolios_ME_INV', 'Emerging_Markets_6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2', 'Emerging_Markets_4_Portfolios_BE-ME_OP', 'Emerging_Markets_4_Portfolios_OP_INV', 'Emerging_Markets_4_Portfolios_BE-ME_INV']
ds = web.DataReader('5_Industry_Portfolios', 'famafrench')
5 Industry Portfolios --------------------- This file was created by CMPT_IND_RETS using the 202304 CRSP database. It contains value- and equal-weighted returns for 5 industry portfolios. The portfolios are constructed at the end of June. The annual returns are from January to December. Missing data are indicated by -99.99 or -999. Copyright 2023 Kenneth R. French 0 : Average Value Weighted Returns -- Monthly (59 rows x 5 cols) 1 : Average Equal Weighted Returns -- Monthly (59 rows x 5 cols) 2 : Average Value Weighted Returns -- Annual (5 rows x 5 cols) 3 : Average Equal Weighted Returns -- Annual (5 rows x 5 cols) 4 : Number of Firms in Portfolios (59 rows x 5 cols) 5 : Average Firm Size (59 rows x 5 cols) 6 : Sum of BE / Sum of ME (5 rows x 5 cols) 7 : Value-Weighted Average of BE/ME (5 rows x 5 cols)
World Bank¶
from pandas_datareader import wb
gdp_variables = wb.search('gdp.*capita.*const')
id | name | unit | source | sourceNote | sourceOrganization | topics | |
691 | 6.0.GDPpc_constant | GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 internation... | LAC Equity Lab | GDP per capita based on purchasing power parit... | b'World Development Indicators (World Bank)' | Economy & Growth | |
10634 | NY.GDP.PCAP.KD | GDP per capita (constant 2015 US$) | World Development Indicators | GDP per capita is gross domestic product divid... | b'World Bank national accounts data, and OECD ... | Economy & Growth | |
10636 | NY.GDP.PCAP.KN | GDP per capita (constant LCU) | World Development Indicators | GDP per capita is gross domestic product divid... | b'World Bank national accounts data, and OECD ... | Economy & Growth | |
10638 | NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD | GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2017 internation... | World Development Indicators | GDP per capita based on purchasing power parit... | b'International Comparison Program, World Bank... | Economy & Growth | |
10639 | NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD.87 | GDP per capita, PPP (constant 1987 internation... | WDI Database Archives | b'' |
wb_data = wb.download(indicator='NY.GDP.PCAP.KD',
country=['US', 'CA', 'MX'],
country | year | |
Canada | 2019 | 45109.244486 |
2018 | 44917.483728 | |
2017 | 44325.488337 | |
2016 | 43536.913403 | |
2015 | 43596.135537 |
df = web.DataReader('TUD', 'oecd', start='2010', end='2019')
df[['Japan', 'United States']]
Country | Japan | United States |
Frequency | Annual | Annual |
Measure | Percentage of employees | Percentage of employees |
Time | ||
2010-01-01 | 18.400000 | 11.4 |
2011-01-01 | 19.000000 | 11.3 |
2012-01-01 | 18.000000 | 10.8 |
2013-01-01 | 17.799999 | 10.8 |
2014-01-01 | 17.600000 | 10.7 |
2015-01-01 | 17.400000 | 10.3 |
2016-01-01 | 17.000000 | 10.1 |
2017-01-01 | 17.500000 | 10.6 |
2018-01-01 | 17.200001 | 10.3 |
2019-01-01 | 16.799999 | 9.9 |
Google finance stopped providing common index data download. The Stooq site had this data for download for a while but is currently broken, awaiting release of fix
index_url = 'https://stooq.com/t/'
ix = pd.read_html(index_url)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-42-b062b875bc28> in <cell line: 2>() 1 index_url = 'https://stooq.com/t/' ----> 2 ix = pd.read_html(index_url) 3 len(ix) /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/util/_decorators.py in wrapper(*args, **kwargs) 329 stacklevel=find_stack_level(), 330 ) --> 331 return func(*args, **kwargs) 332 333 # error: "Callable[[VarArg(Any), KwArg(Any)], Any]" has no /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/io/html.py in read_html(io, match, flavor, header, index_col, skiprows, attrs, parse_dates, thousands, encoding, decimal, converters, na_values, keep_default_na, displayed_only, extract_links) 1203 io = stringify_path(io) 1204 -> 1205 return _parse( 1206 flavor=flavor, 1207 io=io, /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/io/html.py in _parse(flavor, io, match, attrs, encoding, displayed_only, extract_links, **kwargs) 1004 else: 1005 assert retained is not None # for mypy -> 1006 raise retained 1007 1008 ret = [] /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/io/html.py in _parse(flavor, io, match, attrs, encoding, displayed_only, extract_links, **kwargs) 984 985 try: --> 986 tables = p.parse_tables() 987 except ValueError as caught: 988 # if `io` is an io-like object, check if it's seekable /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/io/html.py in parse_tables(self) 260 list of parsed (header, body, footer) tuples from tables. 261 """ --> 262 tables = self._parse_tables(self._build_doc(), self.match, self.attrs) 263 return (self._parse_thead_tbody_tfoot(table) for table in tables) 264 /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pandas/io/html.py in _parse_tables(self, doc, match, attrs) 616 617 if not tables: --> 618 raise ValueError("No tables found") 619 620 result = [] ValueError: No tables found
sp500_stooq = web.DataReader('^SPX', 'stooq')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 1258 entries, 2023-06-09 to 2018-06-12 Data columns (total 5 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Open 1258 non-null float64 1 High 1258 non-null float64 2 Low 1258 non-null float64 3 Close 1258 non-null float64 4 Volume 1258 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(5) memory usage: 59.0 KB
Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | |
Date | |||||
2023-06-09 | 4304.88 | 4322.62 | 4291.70 | 4298.86 | 2.135458e+09 |
2023-06-08 | 4268.69 | 4298.01 | 4261.07 | 4293.93 | 2.225615e+09 |
2023-06-07 | 4285.47 | 4299.19 | 4263.96 | 4267.52 | 2.720309e+09 |
2023-06-06 | 4271.34 | 4288.33 | 4263.09 | 4283.85 | 2.246423e+09 |
2023-06-05 | 4282.99 | 4299.28 | 4266.82 | 4273.79 | 2.188379e+09 |
NASDAQ Symbols¶
from pandas_datareader.nasdaq_trader import get_nasdaq_symbols
symbols = get_nasdaq_symbols()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 11421 entries, A to ZYXI Data columns (total 11 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Nasdaq Traded 11421 non-null bool 1 Security Name 11421 non-null object 2 Listing Exchange 11421 non-null category 3 Market Category 11421 non-null object 4 ETF 11421 non-null bool 5 Round Lot Size 11421 non-null float64 6 Test Issue 11421 non-null bool 7 Financial Status 5235 non-null category 8 CQS Symbol 6186 non-null object 9 NASDAQ Symbol 11420 non-null object 10 NextShares 11421 non-null bool dtypes: bool(4), category(2), float64(1), object(4) memory usage: 602.7+ KB
Requires signing up and storing API key in environment
df = web.get_data_tiingo('GOOG', api_key=os.getenv('TIINGO_API_KEY'))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> MultiIndex: 1258 entries, ('GOOG', Timestamp('2016-02-24 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC')) to ('GOOG', Timestamp('2021-02-22 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC')) Data columns (total 12 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 close 1258 non-null float64 1 high 1258 non-null float64 2 low 1258 non-null float64 3 open 1258 non-null float64 4 volume 1258 non-null int64 5 adjClose 1258 non-null float64 6 adjHigh 1258 non-null float64 7 adjLow 1258 non-null float64 8 adjOpen 1258 non-null float64 9 adjVolume 1258 non-null int64 10 divCash 1258 non-null float64 11 splitFactor 1258 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(10), int64(2) memory usage: 164.0+ KB
yfinance: 데이터를 야후! 파이낸스로부터 스크레이핑¶
- 책에서 많이 활용되어 API 필요
기타 시장 데이터 공급자¶
기본 데이터 작업 방법¶
- 기본 데이터: 증권의 가치를 결정하는 경제적 동인과 관련
- 데이터의 성격은 자산군에 달려있음
- 주식과 기업 크레딧: 기업의 재무 및 산업과 경제 전반 데이터 포함
- 정부채: 국제 거시 경제 데이터와 외환 포함
- 상품: 수확 시기의 날씨 데이터와 같은 자산 특화된 수급 결정 팩터 포함
재무제표 데이터¶
미국 증권거래위원회(SEC)는 미국 증권 발행 기업, 즉 뮤추얼 펀드를 포함한 상장 기업과 증권은 3개의 분기 재무제표(10-Q 양식)와 1개의 연자 보고서(10-K 양식), 규제를 위한 기타 여러 문서를 제출하도록 함
SEC는 이런 문서를 에드가(EDGAR) 시스템을 통해 공개
- 가치가 발행 기업의 기업 전망과 재무 건전성에 의존하는 주식과 기업 크레딧 같은 증권의 기본적 분석을 위한 주요 데이터 소스가 됨
자동 처리: XBRL¶
XBRL은 XML에 기반을 두고 있으며, 보고 요소의 의미를 정희하는 분류법에 의존하며, 전자판 보고서의 해당 정보를 강조하는 태그에 매핑한다.
그중 한 분류는 US GAAP를 기술한다.
다음 데이터 세트는 SEC에 제출된 EX-101 부록에서 추출한 정보를 일렬화한 데이터 형태로 제공한다.
- 데이터는 XBRL 태그가 붙은 재무제표에서 선정된 정보를 반영
- 현재 분기와 년간 재무제표에서의 수치 데이터와 추가 필드(표준 산업 분류, SIC)를 포함
SEC에 보고되는 기본적 데이터를 추적하고 접근하는 여러 가지 통로
- 에드가 공공 배포 서비스(PDS, Public Dissemination Service)의 일부로 채택된 문서의 전자 버전은 수수료를 지불하면 사용 가능
- SEC는 제출된 양식화된 공시 자료를 보여주는 RSS 피드를 10분마다 업데이트
- 자동 처리용 FTP를 통해 모든 제출 문서의 검색이 가능하게 하는 공개된 인덱스가 존재
- 재무제표(와 주석) 데이터 세트는 모든 재무제표와 관련 주석에서 파싱된 XBRL 데이터를 포함
또한 SEC는 SEC.gov를 통해 EDGAR 제출 문서(fillings)를 인터넷으로 검색한 트래픽 정보를 지닌 로그 파일을 공개
기본적 시계열 데이터 작성¶
- 재무제표와 주석의 데이터 범위는 기본 재무제표(대차대조표, 손익계산서, 현금흐름표, 지분변동 및 종합소득)와 이들 보고서 내의 주석들로부터 추출된 수치 데이터로 구성된다.
Working with filing data from the SEC's EDGAR service¶
import warnings
%matplotlib inline
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import date
import json
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile, BadZipFile
from tqdm import tqdm
import requests
import pandas_datareader.data as web
import pandas as pd
from pprint import pprint
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
# store data in this directory since we won't use it in other chapters
data_path = Path('data') # perhaps set to external harddrive to accomodate large amount of data
if not data_path.exists():
Download FS & Notes Data¶
- 재무제표와 주석 데이터 추출
The following code downloads and extracts all historical filings contained in the Financial Statement and Notes (FSN) datasets from Q1/2014 through Q3/2020.
The SEC has moved to a monthly cadence after Q3/2020; feel free to extend the code by creating the correpsonding file names (see linked website) and download those as well.
Downloads over 40GB of data!
SEC_URL = 'https://www.sec.gov/'
FSN_PATH = 'files/dera/data/financial-statement-and-notes-data-sets/'
filing_periods = [(d.year, d.quarter) for d in pd.date_range('2014', '2020-09-30', freq='Q')]
[(2014, 1), (2014, 2), (2014, 3), (2014, 4), (2015, 1), (2015, 2), (2015, 3), (2015, 4), (2016, 1), (2016, 2), (2016, 3), (2016, 4), (2017, 1), (2017, 2), (2017, 3), (2017, 4), (2018, 1), (2018, 2), (2018, 3), (2018, 4), (2019, 1), (2019, 2), (2019, 3), (2019, 4), (2020, 1), (2020, 2), (2020, 3)]
for yr, qtr in tqdm(filing_periods):
# set (and create) directory
path = data_path / f'{yr}_{qtr}' / 'source'
if not path.exists():
# define url and get file
filing = f'{yr}q{qtr}_notes.zip'
url = SEC_URL + FSN_PATH + filing
response = requests.get(url).content
# decompress and save
with ZipFile(BytesIO(response)) as zip_file:
for file in zip_file.namelist():
local_file = path / file
if local_file.exists():
with local_file.open('wb') as output:
for line in zip_file.open(file).readlines():
except BadZipFile:
print(f'\nBad zip file: {yr} {qtr}\n')
44%|████▍ | 12/27 [08:59<07:58, 31.91s/it]
Bad zip file: 2016 4
100%|██████████| 27/27 [20:35<00:00, 45.75s/it]
Save to parquet¶
The data is fairly large and to enable faster access than the original text files permit, it is better to convert the text files to binary, columnar parquet format (see Section 'Efficient data storage with pandas' in chapter 2 for a performance comparison of various data-storage options compatible with pandas DataFrames):
Some fo the
source files contain a small number of faulty lines; the code below drops those lines but indicates the line numbers where you can find the errors if you would like to investigate further.
매 분기에 대해 FSN 데이터는 제출, 숫자, 분류 태그, 발표 자료 등에 관한 정보를 포함하는 8개의 파일 세트로 정리된다. 각 데이터 세트는 행과 필드로 구성돼 있고 탭 구분 텍스트 파일로 제공된다.
for f in tqdm(sorted(list(data_path.glob('**/*.tsv')))):
# set (and create) directory
parquet_path = f.parent.parent / 'parquet'
if not parquet_path.exists():
# write content to .parquet
file_name = f.stem + '.parquet'
if not (parquet_path / file_name).exists():
df = pd.read_csv(f, sep='\t', encoding='latin1', low_memory=False, error_bad_lines=False)
df.to_parquet(parquet_path / file_name)
except Exception as e:
print(e, ' | ', f)
# optional: uncomment to delete original .tsv
# else:
# f.unlink
3%|▎ | 7/208 [01:13<27:50, 8.31s/it]Skipping line 153605: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 153606: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 316753: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 324401: expected 20 fields, saw 28 Skipping line 469248: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 509941: expected 20 fields, saw 22 7%|▋ | 15/208 [02:24<20:18, 6.31s/it]Skipping line 97778: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 101028: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 154935: expected 20 fields, saw 28 Skipping line 162785: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 167447: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 193011: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 193012: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 193013: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 193014: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 370048: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 370049: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 370050: expected 20 fields, saw 21 11%|█ | 23/208 [03:28<18:22, 5.96s/it]Skipping line 46920: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 62672: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 62673: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 62717: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 62718: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 151969: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 279454: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 279455: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 321708: expected 20 fields, saw 21 15%|█▍ | 31/208 [04:31<17:12, 5.83s/it]Skipping line 42290: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 93249: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 163432: expected 20 fields, saw 24 Skipping line 242165: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 247814: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 269430: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 269431: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 354979: expected 20 fields, saw 21 19%|█▉ | 39/208 [05:52<21:49, 7.75s/it]Skipping line 6850: expected 20 fields, saw 30 Skipping line 6962: expected 20 fields, saw 29 Skipping line 7074: expected 20 fields, saw 29 Skipping line 227216: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 227217: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 756981: expected 20 fields, saw 21 23%|██▎ | 47/208 [07:06<17:11, 6.41s/it]Skipping line 88319: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 102314: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 274367: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 320780: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 320781: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 388700: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 517992: expected 20 fields, saw 21 26%|██▋ | 55/208 [08:18<16:26, 6.45s/it]Skipping line 51013: expected 20 fields, saw 28 Skipping line 51139: expected 20 fields, saw 26 Skipping line 59820: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 205081: expected 20 fields, saw 31 Skipping line 267625: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 267626: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 413562: expected 20 fields, saw 24 Skipping line 464236: expected 20 fields, saw 30 30%|███ | 63/208 [09:23<14:14, 5.89s/it]Skipping line 504: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 8538: expected 20 fields, saw 26 Skipping line 9535: expected 20 fields, saw 27 Skipping line 14808: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 61910: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 63501: expected 20 fields, saw 26 Skipping line 255222: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 255223: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 285914: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 317496: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 372175: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 448805: expected 20 fields, saw 26 Skipping line 470186: expected 20 fields, saw 22 34%|███▍ | 71/208 [10:48<18:11, 7.97s/it]Skipping line 39490: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 39653: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 39667: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 131992: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 135687: expected 20 fields, saw 23 Skipping line 274672: expected 20 fields, saw 27 Skipping line 276450: expected 20 fields, saw 27 Skipping line 276600: expected 20 fields, saw 27 Skipping line 375399: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 375400: expected 20 fields, saw 22 Skipping line 481466: expected 20 fields, saw 25 Skipping line 482216: expected 20 fields, saw 24 Skipping line 637281: expected 20 fields, saw 25 Skipping line 744584: expected 20 fields, saw 21 Skipping line 745233: expected 20 fields, saw 26 41%|████▏ | 86/208 [12:51<12:02, 5.93s/it]Skipping line 100862: expected 9 fields, saw 10 45%|████▌ | 94/208 [14:10<15:34, 8.20s/it]Skipping line 838521: expected 9 fields, saw 10 49%|████▉ | 102/208 [15:18<11:18, 6.41s/it]Skipping line 480899: expected 9 fields, saw 10 57%|█████▋ | 118/208 [17:10<08:12, 5.47s/it]Skipping line 91798: expected 9 fields, saw 10 80%|███████▉ | 166/208 [24:39<05:10, 7.40s/it]Skipping line 69252: expected 9 fields, saw 10 Skipping line 582206: expected 9 fields, saw 10 Skipping line 607590: expected 9 fields, saw 10 84%|████████▎ | 174/208 [25:49<03:45, 6.64s/it]Skipping line 374579: expected 9 fields, saw 10 91%|█████████▏| 190/208 [28:26<02:59, 9.94s/it]Skipping line 754776: expected 9 fields, saw 10 95%|█████████▌| 198/208 [29:56<01:19, 7.93s/it]Skipping line 530291: expected 9 fields, saw 10 99%|█████████▉| 206/208 [31:06<00:13, 6.81s/it]Skipping line 602232: expected 9 fields, saw 10 100%|██████████| 208/208 [31:27<00:00, 9.07s/it]
Metadata json¶
file = data_path / '2018_3' / 'source' / '2018q3_notes-metadata.json'
with file.open() as f:
data = json.load(f)
{'@context': 'http://www.w3.org/ns/csvw', 'dialect': {'delimiter': '\t', 'header': True, 'headerRowCount': 1}, 'tables': [{'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm', 'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20, 'minLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'Accession Number. ' 'The 20-character ' 'string formed ' 'from the 18-digit ' 'number assigned ' 'by the Commission ' 'to each EDGAR ' 'submission.', 'name': 'adsh', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Accession Number']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxLength': 10, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Central Index Key ' '(CIK). Ten digit ' 'number assigned ' 'by the Commission ' 'to each ' 'registrant that ' 'submits filings.', 'name': 'cik', 'titles': ['Central Index Key']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 150}, 'dc:description': 'Name of ' 'registrant. This ' 'corresponds to ' 'the name of the ' 'legal entity as ' 'recorded in EDGAR ' 'as of the filing ' 'date.', 'name': 'name', 'titles': ['Registrant']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 4}, 'dc:description': 'Standard ' 'Industrial ' 'Classification ' '(SIC). Four digit ' 'code assigned by ' 'the Commission as ' 'of the filing ' 'date, indicating ' "the registrant's " 'type of business.', 'name': 'sic', 'titles': ['Standard Industrial ' 'Classification Code']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2, 'minLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'The ISO 3166-1 ' 'country of the ' "registrant's " 'business address.', 'name': 'countryba', 'titles': ['Business Address Country', 'Country (B)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2, 'minLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'The state or ' 'province of the ' "registrant's " 'business address, ' 'if field ' 'countryba is US ' 'or CA.', 'name': 'stprba', 'titles': ['Business Address State ' 'or Province', 'State (B)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 30}, 'dc:description': 'The city of the ' "registrant's " 'business address.', 'name': 'cityba', 'titles': ['Business Address City', 'City (B)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 10}, 'dc:description': 'The zip code of ' "the registrant's " 'business address.', 'name': 'zipba', 'titles': ['Business Address Zip or ' 'Postal Code', 'Zip (B)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 40}, 'dc:description': 'The first line of ' 'the street of the ' "registrant's " 'business address.', 'name': 'bas1', 'titles': ['Business Address Street ' '1', 'Street1 (B)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 40}, 'dc:description': 'The second line ' 'of the street of ' "the registrant's " 'business address.', 'name': 'bas2', 'titles': ['Business Address Street ' '2', 'Street2 (B)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'The phone number ' 'of the ' "registrant's " 'business address.', 'name': 'baph', 'titles': ['Business Address Phone', 'Phone (B)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2, 'minLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'The ISO 3166-1 ' 'country of the ' "registrant's " 'mailing address.', 'name': 'countryma', 'titles': ['Mailing Address Country', 'Country (M)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2, 'minLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'The state or ' 'province of the ' "registrant's " 'mailing address, ' 'if field ' 'countryma is US ' 'or CA.', 'name': 'stprma', 'titles': ['Mailing Address State or ' 'Province', 'State (M)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 30}, 'dc:description': 'The city of the ' "registrant's " 'mailing address.', 'name': 'cityma', 'titles': ['Mailing Address City', 'City (M)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 12}, 'dc:description': 'The zip code of ' "the registrant's " 'mailing address.', 'name': 'zipma', 'titles': ['Mailing Address Zip or ' 'Postal Code', 'Zip (M)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 40}, 'dc:description': 'The first line of ' 'the street of the ' "registrant's " 'mailing address.', 'name': 'mas1', 'titles': ['Mailing Address Street1', 'Street1 (M)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 40}, 'dc:description': 'The second line ' 'of the street of ' "the registrant's " 'mailing address.', 'name': 'mas2', 'titles': ['Mailing Address Street2', 'Street1 (M)']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2, 'minLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'The country of ' 'incorporation for ' 'the registrant.', 'name': 'countryinc', 'titles': ['Country of Incorporation', 'Incorporation Country']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2, 'minLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'The state or ' 'province of ' 'incorporation for ' 'the registrant, ' 'if countryinc is ' 'US or CA, ' 'otherwise NULL.', 'name': 'stprinc', 'titles': ['State or Province of ' 'Incorporation', 'Incorporation State']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 9}, 'dc:description': 'Employee ' 'Identification ' 'Number, 9 digit ' 'identification ' 'number assigned ' 'by the Internal ' 'Revenue Service ' 'to business ' 'entities ' 'operating in the ' 'United States.', 'name': 'ein', 'titles': ['EIN', 'Employee Identification ' 'Number']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 150}, 'dc:description': 'Most recent ' 'former name of ' 'the registrant, ' 'if any.', 'name': 'former', 'titles': ['Former Name']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 8, 'minLength': 8}, 'dc:description': 'Date of change ' 'from the former ' 'name, if any.', 'name': 'changed', 'titles': ['Date of Name Change']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 5}, 'dc:description': 'Filer status with ' 'the Commission at ' 'the time of ' 'submission: ' '1-LAF=Large ' 'Accelerated, ' '2-ACC=Accelerated, ' '3-SRA=Smaller ' 'Reporting ' 'Accelerated, ' '4-NON=Non-Accelerated, ' '5-SML=Smaller ' 'Reporting Filer, ' 'NULL=not ' 'assigned.', 'name': 'afs', 'titles': ['Status', 'Accelerated Filer ' 'Status']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 1, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Well Known ' 'Seasoned Issuer ' '(WKSI). An issuer ' 'that meets ' 'specific ' 'Commission ' 'requirements at ' 'some point during ' 'a 60-day period ' 'preceding the ' 'date the issuer ' 'satisfies its ' 'obligation to ' 'update its shelf ' 'registration ' 'statement.', 'name': 'wksi', 'titles': ['Well-known Seasoned ' 'Issuer']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 4}, 'dc:description': 'Fiscal Year End ' 'Date, rounded to ' 'nearest ' 'month-end.', 'name': 'fye', 'titles': ['FY End Date']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'The submission ' 'type of the ' "registrant's " 'filing.', 'name': 'form', 'titles': ['Submission Type', 'Filing Type', 'EDGAR Form Type']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 8, 'minLength': 8}, 'dc:description': 'Balance Sheet ' 'Date.', 'name': 'period', 'titles': ['Report Period', 'Date of Balance Sheet, ' 'rounded to nearest ' 'month-end']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 4, 'minLength': 4}, 'dc:description': 'Fiscal Year Focus ' '(as defined in ' 'EFM Ch. 6).', 'name': 'fy', 'titles': ['Fiscal Year']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2, 'minLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'Fiscal Period ' 'Focus (as defined ' 'in EFM Ch. 6) ' 'within Fiscal ' 'Year. The 10-Q ' 'for the 1st, 2nd ' 'and 3rd quarters ' 'would have a ' 'fiscal period ' 'focus of Q1, Q2 ' '(or H1), and Q3 ' '(or M9) ' 'respectively, and ' 'a 10-K would have ' 'a fiscal period ' 'focus of FY.', 'name': 'fp', 'titles': ['Fiscal Period']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 8}, 'dc:description': 'The date of the ' "registrant's " 'filing with the ' 'Commission.', 'name': 'filed', 'titles': ['Date Filed']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'date', 'format': 'YYYYMMDD ' 'HH:MM:SS.S'}, 'dc:description': 'The acceptance ' 'date and time of ' "the registrant's " 'filing with the ' 'Commission. ' 'Filings accepted ' 'after 5:30pm EST ' 'are considered ' 'filed on the ' 'following ' 'business day.', 'name': 'accepted', 'titles': ['Acceptance Datetime']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 255, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Previous Report. ' 'TRUE indicates ' 'that the ' 'submission ' 'information was ' 'subsequently ' 'amended prior to ' 'the end cutoff ' 'date of the data ' 'set.', 'name': 'prevrpt', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Previous Report Flag', 'Subsequently Amended ' 'Flag']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 255, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'TRUE indicates ' 'that the XBRL ' 'submission ' 'contains ' 'quantitative ' 'disclosures ' 'within the ' 'footnotes and ' 'schedules at the ' 'required detail ' 'level (e.g., each ' 'amount).', 'name': 'detail', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Detail Tagged']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 32}, 'dc:description': 'The name of the ' 'submitted XBRL ' 'Instance Document ' '(EX-101.INS) type ' 'data file. The ' 'name often begins ' 'with the company ' 'ticker symbol.', 'name': 'instance', 'titles': ['Instance Filename']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 32767, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Number of Central ' 'Index Keys (CIK) ' 'of registrants ' '(i.e., business ' 'units) included ' 'in the ' 'consolidating ' "entity's " 'submitted filing.', 'name': 'nciks', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Number of ' 'Coregistrants']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 120}, 'dc:description': 'Additional CIKs ' 'of co-registrants ' 'included in a ' 'consolidating ' "entity's EDGAR " 'submission, ' 'separated by ' 'spaces. If there ' 'are no other ' 'co-registrants ' '(i.e., nciks = ' '1), the value of ' 'aciks is NULL. ' 'For a very small ' 'number of filers, ' 'the list of ' 'co-registrants is ' 'too long to fit ' 'in the field. ' 'Where this is the ' 'case, PARTIAL ' 'will appear at ' 'the end of the ' 'list indicating ' 'that not all ' "co-registrants' " 'CIKs are included ' 'in the field; ' 'users should ' 'refer to the ' 'complete ' 'submission file ' 'for all CIK ' 'information.', 'name': 'aciks', 'titles': ['Additional Coregistrant ' 'CIKs']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'}, 'dc:description': 'Public float, in ' 'USD, if provided ' 'in this ' 'submission.', 'name': 'pubfloatusd', 'titles': ['Public Float']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 8}, 'dc:description': 'Date on which the ' 'public float was ' 'measured by the ' 'filer.', 'name': 'floatdate', 'titles': ['Public Float Measurement ' 'Date']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 255}, 'dc:description': 'If the public ' 'float value was ' 'computed by ' 'summing across ' 'several tagged ' 'values, this ' 'indicates the ' 'nature of the ' 'summation.', 'name': 'floataxis', 'titles': ['Public Float Axis']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 255, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'If the public ' 'float was ' 'computed, the ' 'number of terms ' 'in the summation.', 'name': 'floatmems', 'titles': ['Public Float Members']}], 'primaryKey': 'adsh'}, 'url': 'sub.tsv'}, {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm', 'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 256}, 'dc:description': 'The unique ' 'identifier (name) ' 'for a tag in a ' 'specific taxonomy ' 'release.', 'name': 'tag', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Localname']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'For a standard ' 'tag, an ' 'identifier for ' 'the taxonomy; ' 'otherwise the ' 'accession number ' 'where the tag was ' 'defined.', 'name': 'version', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Namespace', 'Taxonomy']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 1, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': '1 if tag is ' 'custom ' '(version=adsh), 0 ' 'if it is ' 'standard. Note: ' 'This flag is ' 'technically ' 'redundant with ' 'the version and ' 'adsh fields.', 'name': 'custom', 'required': 'true', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 1, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': '1 if the tag is ' 'not used to ' 'represent a ' 'numeric fact.', 'name': 'abstract', 'required': 'true', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'If abstract=1, ' 'then NULL, ' 'otherwise the ' 'data type (e.g., ' 'monetary) for the ' 'tag.', 'name': 'datatype', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 1}, 'dc:description': 'If abstract=1, ' 'then NULL; ' 'otherwise, I if ' 'the value is a ' 'point in time, or ' 'D if the value is ' 'a duration.', 'name': 'iord', 'titles': ['Instant or Duration']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 1}, 'dc:description': 'If datatype = ' 'monetary, then ' "the tag's natural " 'accounting ' 'balance from the ' 'perspective of ' 'the balance sheet ' 'or income ' 'statement (debit ' 'or credit); if ' 'not defined, then ' 'NULL.', 'name': 'crdr', 'titles': ['Credit or Debit']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 512}, 'dc:description': 'If a standard ' 'tag, then the ' 'label text ' 'provided by the ' 'taxonomy, ' 'otherwise the ' 'text provided by ' 'the filer. A tag ' 'which had neither ' 'would have a NULL ' 'value here.', 'name': 'tlabel', 'titles': ['Label']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string'}, 'dc:description': 'The detailed ' 'definition for ' 'the tag. If a ' 'standard tag, ' 'then the text ' 'provided by the ' 'taxonomy, ' 'otherwise the ' 'text assigned by ' 'the filer. Some ' 'tags have ' 'neither, in which ' 'case this field ' 'is NULL.', 'name': 'doc', 'titles': ['Documentation']}], 'primaryKey': ['tag', 'version']}, 'url': 'tag.tsv'}, {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm', 'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 34}, 'dc:description': 'MD5 hash of the ' 'segments field ' 'text. Although ' 'MD5 is unsuitable ' 'for cryptographic ' 'use, it is used ' 'here merely to ' 'limit the size of ' 'the primary key.', 'name': 'dimh', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Dimension Hash']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 1024}, 'dc:description': 'Concatenation of ' 'tag names ' 'representing the ' 'axis and members ' 'appearing in the ' 'XBRL segments. ' 'Tag names have ' 'their first ' 'characters ' '"Statement", last ' '4 characters ' '"Axis", and last ' '6 characters ' '"Member" or ' '"Domain" ' 'truncated where ' 'they appear. ' 'Namespaces and ' 'prefixes are ' 'ignored because ' 'EDGAR validation ' 'guarantees that ' 'the local-names ' 'are unique with a ' 'submission. Each ' 'dimension is ' 'represented as ' 'the pair ' '"{axis}={member};" ' 'and the axes ' 'concatenated in ' 'lexical order. ' 'Example: ' '"LegalEntity=Xyz;Scenario=Restated;" ' 'represents the ' 'XBRL segment with ' 'dimension ' 'LegalEntityAxis ' 'and member ' 'XyzMember, ' 'dimension ' 'StatementScenarioAxis ' 'and member ' 'RestatedMember.', 'name': 'segments', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 1, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'TRUE if the ' 'segments field ' 'would have been ' 'longer than 1024 ' 'characters had it ' 'not been ' 'truncated, else ' 'FALSE.', 'name': 'segt', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Segments Truncated']}], 'primaryKey': 'dimh'}, 'url': 'dim.tsv'}, {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm', 'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20, 'minLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'Accession Number. ' 'The 20-character ' 'string formed ' 'from the 18-digit ' 'number assigned ' 'by the Commission ' 'to each EDGAR ' 'submission.', 'name': 'adsh', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Accession Number']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 255}, 'dc:description': 'The unique ' 'identifier (name) ' 'for a tag in a ' 'specific taxonomy ' 'release.', 'name': 'tag', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Localname']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'For a standard ' 'tag, an ' 'identifier for ' 'the taxonomy; ' 'otherwise the ' 'accession number ' 'where the tag was ' 'defined.', 'name': 'version', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Namespace']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 8, 'minLength': 8}, 'dc:description': 'The end date for ' 'the data value, ' 'rounded to the ' 'nearest month ' 'end.', 'name': 'ddate', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Data Date']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'The count of the ' 'number of ' 'quarters ' 'represented by ' 'the data value, ' 'rounded to the ' 'nearest whole ' 'number. "0" ' 'indicates it is a ' 'point-in-time ' 'value.', 'name': 'qtrs', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Quarters']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 50}, 'dc:description': 'The unit of ' 'measure for the ' 'value.', 'name': 'uom', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Unit of Measure']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 34}, 'dc:description': 'The 32-byte ' 'hexadecimal key ' 'for the ' 'dimensional ' 'information in ' 'the DIM data set.', 'name': 'dimh', 'titles': ['Dimension Hash']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 32767, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'A positive ' 'integer to ' 'distinguish ' 'different ' 'reported facts ' 'that otherwise ' 'would have the ' 'same primary key. ' 'For most ' 'purposes, data ' 'with iprx greater ' 'than 1 are not ' 'needed. The ' 'priority for the ' 'fact based on ' 'higher precision, ' 'closeness of the ' 'end date to a ' 'month end, and ' 'closeness of the ' 'duration to a ' 'multiple of three ' 'months. See ' 'fields dcml, durp ' 'and datp below.', 'name': 'iprx', 'titles': ['Fact Preference']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'}, 'dc:description': 'The value. This ' 'is not scaled, it ' 'is as found in ' 'the Interactive ' 'Data file, but is ' 'rounded to four ' 'digits to the ' 'right of the ' 'decimal point.', 'name': 'value', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 512}, 'dc:description': 'The plain text of ' 'any superscripted ' 'footnotes on the ' 'value, if any, as ' 'shown on the ' 'statement page, ' 'truncated to 512 ' 'characters.', 'name': 'footnote', 'titles': ['Footnote Text']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Number of bytes ' 'in the plain text ' 'of the footnote ' 'prior to ' 'truncation; zero ' 'if no footnote.', 'name': 'footlen', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Footnote Length']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Small integer ' 'representing the ' 'number of ' 'dimensions. Note ' 'that this value ' 'is a function of ' 'the dimension ' 'segments.', 'name': 'dimn', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Number of Dimensions']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 256}, 'dc:description': 'If specified, ' 'indicates a ' 'specific ' 'co-registrant, ' 'the parent ' 'company, or other ' 'entity (e.g., ' 'guarantor). NULL ' 'indicates the ' 'consolidated ' 'entity. Note that ' 'this value is a ' 'function of the ' 'dimension ' 'segments.', 'name': 'coreg', 'titles': ['Coregistrant']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'}, 'dc:description': 'The difference ' 'between the ' 'reported fact ' 'duration and the ' 'quarter duration ' '(qtrs), expressed ' 'as a fraction of ' '1. For example, a ' 'fact with ' 'duration of 120 ' 'days rounded to a ' '91-day quarter ' 'has a durp value ' 'of 29/91 = ' '+0.3187.', 'name': 'durp', 'titles': ['Duration Preference']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'}, 'dc:description': 'The date ' 'proximity in ' 'number of days ' 'between end date ' 'reported and ' 'month-end rounded ' 'date.', 'name': 'datp', 'titles': ['Date Preference']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 32767, 'minInclusive': -32768}, 'dc:description': 'The value of the ' 'fact "decimals" ' 'attribute, with ' 'INF represented ' 'by 32767.', 'name': 'dcml', 'titles': ['Decimals']}], 'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': 'adsh', 'reference': {'columnReference': 'adsh', 'resource': 'sub.tsv'}}, {'columnReference': 'dimh', 'reference': {'columnReference': 'dimh', 'resource': 'https://wwww.sec.gov/files2018q3.zip#path=dim.tsv'}}, {'columnReference': ['tag', 'version'], 'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag', 'version'], 'resource': 'https://wwww.sec.gov/files2018q3.zip#path=tag.tsv'}}], 'primaryKey': ['adsh', 'tag', 'version', 'ddate', 'qtrs', 'uom', 'dimh', 'iprx']}, 'url': 'num.tsv'}, {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm', 'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20, 'minLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'Accession Number. ' 'The 20-character ' 'string formed ' 'from the 18-digit ' 'number assigned ' 'by the Commission ' 'to each EDGAR ' 'submission.', 'name': 'adsh', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Accession number']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 255}, 'dc:description': 'The unique ' 'identifier (name) ' 'for a tag in a ' 'specific taxonomy ' 'release.', 'name': 'tag', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Localname']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'For a standard ' 'tag, an ' 'identifier for ' 'the taxonomy; ' 'otherwise the ' 'accession number ' 'where the tag was ' 'defined. For ' 'example, ' '"invest/2013" ' 'indicates that ' 'the tag is ' 'defined in the ' '2013 INVEST ' 'taxonomy.', 'name': 'version', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Namespace', 'Taxonomy']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 8, 'minLength': 8}, 'dc:description': 'The end date for ' 'the data value, ' 'rounded to the ' 'nearest month ' 'end.', 'name': 'ddate', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Data Date']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'The count of the ' 'number of ' 'quarters ' 'represented by ' 'the data value, ' 'rounded to the ' 'nearest whole ' 'number. A point ' 'in time value is ' 'represented by 0.', 'name': 'qtrs', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Quarters']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 32767, 'minInclusive': -32768}, 'dc:description': 'A positive ' 'integer to ' 'distinguish ' 'different ' 'reported facts ' 'that otherwise ' 'would have the ' 'same primary key. ' 'For most ' 'purposes, data ' 'with iprx greater ' 'than 1 are not ' 'needed. The ' 'priority for the ' 'fact based on ' 'higher precision, ' 'closeness of the ' 'end date to a ' 'month end, and ' 'closeness of the ' 'duration to a ' 'multiple of three ' 'months. See ' 'fields dcml, durp ' 'and datp below.', 'name': 'iprx', 'titles': ['Fact Preference', 'Preferred Fact Sort ' 'Key']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 5}, 'dc:description': 'The ISO language ' 'code of the fact ' 'content.', 'name': 'lang', 'titles': ['Language']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 32767, 'minInclusive': -32768}, 'dc:description': 'The value of the ' 'fact "xml:lang" ' 'attribute, en-US ' 'represented by ' '32767, other "en" ' 'dialects having ' 'lower values, and ' 'other languages ' 'lower still.', 'name': 'dcml', 'titles': ['Language Preference', 'Language Sort Key']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'}, 'dc:description': 'The difference ' 'between the ' 'reported fact ' 'duration and the ' 'quarter duration ' '(qtrs), expressed ' 'as a fraction of ' '1. For example, a ' 'fact with ' 'duration of 120 ' 'days rounded to a ' '91-day quarter ' 'has a durp value ' 'of 29/91 = ' '+0.3187.', 'name': 'durp', 'titles': ['Duration Preference']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal'}, 'dc:description': 'The date ' 'proximity in ' 'number of days ' 'between end date ' 'reported and ' 'month-end rounded ' 'date.', 'name': 'datp', 'titles': ['Date Preference']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 34}, 'dc:description': 'The 32-byte ' 'hexadecimal key ' 'for the ' 'dimensional ' 'information in ' 'the DIM data set.', 'name': 'dimh', 'titles': ['Dimension Hash']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Small integer ' 'representing the ' 'number of ' 'dimensions, ' 'useful for ' 'sorting. Note ' 'that this value ' 'is function of ' 'the dimension ' 'segments.', 'name': 'dimn', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Number of Dimensions']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 256}, 'dc:description': 'If specified, ' 'indicates a ' 'specific ' 'co-registrant, ' 'the parent ' 'company, or other ' 'entity (e.g., ' 'guarantor). NULL ' 'indicates the ' 'consolidated ' 'entity. Note that ' 'this value is a ' 'function of the ' 'dimension ' 'segments.', 'name': 'coreg', 'titles': ['Coregistrant']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 1, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Flag indicating ' 'whether the value ' 'has had tags ' 'removed.', 'name': 'escaped', 'required': 'true', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Number of bytes ' 'in the original, ' 'unprocessed ' 'value. Zero ' 'indicates a NULL ' 'value.', 'name': 'srclen', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Source Length']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'The original ' 'length of the ' 'whitespace ' 'normalized value, ' 'which may have ' 'been greater than ' '8192.', 'name': 'txtlen', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Text Length']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 512}, 'dc:description': 'The plain text of ' 'any superscripted ' 'footnotes on the ' 'value, as shown ' 'on the page, ' 'truncated to 512 ' 'characters, or if ' 'there is no ' 'footnote, then ' 'this field will ' 'be blank.', 'name': 'footnote', 'titles': ['Footnote Text']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Number of bytes ' 'in the plain text ' 'of the footnote ' 'prior to ' 'truncation.', 'name': 'footlen', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Footnote Length']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 255}, 'dc:description': 'The value of the ' 'contextRef ' 'attribute in the ' 'source XBRL ' 'document, which ' 'can be used to ' 'recover the ' 'original HTML ' 'tagging if ' 'desired.', 'name': 'context', 'titles': ['Context Ref']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string'}, 'dc:description': 'The value, with ' 'all whitespace ' 'normalized, that ' 'is, all sequences ' 'of line feeds, ' 'carriage returns, ' 'tabs, ' 'non-breaking ' 'spaces, and ' 'spaces having ' 'been collapsed to ' 'a single space, ' 'and no leading or ' 'trailing spaces. ' 'Escaped XML that ' 'appears in EDGAR ' '"Text Block" tags ' 'is processed to ' 'remove all ' 'mark-up ' '(comments, ' 'processing ' 'instructions, ' 'elements, ' 'attributes). The ' 'resulting text is ' 'not intended for ' 'end user display ' 'but only for text ' 'analysis ' 'applications.', 'name': 'value', 'titles': []}], 'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': 'adsh', 'reference': {'columnReference': 'adsh', 'resource': 'sub.tsv'}}, {'columnReference': 'dimh', 'reference': {'columnReference': 'dimh', 'resource': 'https://wwww.sec.gov/files2018q3.zip#path=dim.tsv'}}, {'columnReference': ['tag', 'version'], 'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag', 'version'], 'resource': 'https://wwww.sec.gov/files2018q3.zip#path=tag.tsv'}}], 'primaryKey': ['adsh', 'tag', 'version', 'ddate', 'qtrs', 'dimh', 'iprx']}, 'url': 'txt.tsv'}, {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm', 'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20, 'minLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'Accession Number. ' 'The 20-character ' 'string formed ' 'from the 18-digit ' 'number assigned ' 'by the Commission ' 'to each EDGAR ' 'submission.', 'name': 'adsh', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Accession Number']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Represents the ' 'report grouping. ' 'The numeric value ' 'refers to the "R ' 'file" as computed ' 'by the renderer ' 'and posted on the ' 'EDGAR website. ' 'Note that in some ' 'situations the ' 'numbers skip.', 'name': 'report', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Report Number']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 1}, 'dc:description': 'The type of ' 'interactive data ' 'file rendered on ' 'the EDGAR ' 'website, H = .htm ' 'file, X = .xml ' 'file.', 'name': 'rfile', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Report File Type']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'If available, one ' 'of the menu ' 'categories as ' 'computed by the ' 'renderer: ' 'C=Cover, ' 'S=Statements, ' 'N=Notes, ' 'P=Policies, ' 'T=Tables, ' 'D=Details, ' 'O=Other, and ' 'U=Uncategorized.', 'name': 'menucat', 'titles': ['Menu Category']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 512}, 'dc:description': 'The portion of ' 'the long name ' 'used in the ' 'renderer menu.', 'name': 'shortname', 'titles': ['Short Name']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 512}, 'dc:description': 'The ' 'space-normalized ' 'text of the XBRL ' 'link "definition" ' 'element content.', 'name': 'longname', 'titles': ['Long Name']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 255}, 'dc:description': 'The XBRL ' '"roleuri" of the ' 'role.', 'name': 'roleuri', 'titles': ['Role URI']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 255}, 'dc:description': 'The XBRL roleuri ' 'of a role for ' 'which this role ' 'has a matching ' 'shortname prefix ' 'and a higher ' 'level menu ' 'category, as ' 'computed by the ' 'renderer.', 'name': 'parentroleuri', 'titles': ['Parent Role URI']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'The value of the ' 'report field for ' 'the role where ' 'roleuri equals ' 'this ' 'parentroleuri.', 'name': 'parentreport', 'titles': ['Parent Report']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 32767, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'The highest ' 'ancestor report ' 'reachable by ' 'following ' 'parentreport ' 'relationships. A ' 'note (menucat = ' 'N) is its own ' 'ultimate parent.', 'name': 'ultparentrpt', 'titles': ['Ultimate Parent']}], 'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': 'adsh', 'reference': {'columnReference': 'adsh', 'resource': 'sub.tsv'}}], 'primaryKey': ['adsh', 'report']}, 'url': 'ren.tsv'}, {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm', 'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20, 'minLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'Accession Number. ' 'The 20-character ' 'string formed ' 'from the 18-digit ' 'number assigned ' 'by the Commission ' 'to each EDGAR ' 'submission.', 'name': 'adsh', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Accession Number']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Represents the ' 'report grouping. ' 'The numeric value ' 'refers to the "R ' 'file" as computed ' 'by the renderer ' 'and posted on the ' 'EDGAR website. ' 'Note that in some ' 'situations the ' 'numbers skip.', 'name': 'report', 'required': 'true', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Represents the ' "tag's " 'presentation line ' 'order for a given ' 'report. Together ' 'with the ' 'statement and ' 'report field, ' 'presentation ' 'location, order ' 'and grouping can ' 'be derived.', 'name': 'line', 'required': 'true', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 2}, 'dc:description': 'The financial ' 'statement ' 'location to which ' 'the value of the ' '"report" field ' 'pertains.', 'name': 'stmt', 'titles': ['Statement']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 1, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': '1 indicates that ' 'the value was ' 'presented ' '"parenthetically" ' 'instead of in ' 'fields within the ' 'financial ' 'statements. For ' 'example: ' 'Receivables (net ' 'of allowance for ' 'bad debts of USD ' '200 in 2012) USD ' '700', 'name': 'inpth', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Parenthentical']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 256}, 'dc:description': 'The tag chosen by ' 'the filer for ' 'this line item.', 'name': 'tag', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Localname']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'The taxonomy ' 'identifier if the ' 'tag is a standard ' 'tag, otherwise ' 'adsh.', 'name': 'version', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Namespace', 'Taxonomy']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 50}, 'dc:description': 'The XBRL link ' '"role" of the ' 'preferred label, ' 'using only the ' 'portion of the ' 'role URI after ' 'the last "/".', 'name': 'prole', 'titles': ['Preferred Role']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 512}, 'dc:description': 'The text ' 'presented on the ' 'line item, also ' 'known as a ' '"preferred" ' 'label.', 'name': 'plabel', 'titles': ['Label']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 1, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Flag to indicate ' 'whether the prole ' 'is treated as ' 'negating by the ' 'renderer.', 'name': 'negating', 'required': 'true', 'titles': []}], 'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': ['adsh', 'report'], 'reference': {'columnReference': ['adsh', 'report'], 'resource': 'ren.tsv'}}, {'columnReference': ['tag', 'version'], 'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag', 'version'], 'resource': 'tag.tsv'}}], 'primaryKey': ['adsh', 'report', 'line']}, 'url': 'pre.tsv'}, {'tableSchema': {'aboutUrl': 'readme.htm', 'columns': [{'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20, 'minLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'Accession Number. ' 'The 20-character ' 'string formed ' 'from the 18-digit ' 'number assigned ' 'by the Commission ' 'to each EDGAR ' 'submission.', 'name': 'adsh', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Accession Number']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 255, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Sequential number ' 'for grouping arcs ' 'in a submission.', 'name': 'grp', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Group']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'minInclusive': 255}, 'dc:description': 'Sequential number ' 'for arcs within a ' 'group in a ' 'submission.', 'name': 'arc', 'required': 'true', 'titles': []}, {'datatype': {'base': 'decimal', 'maxInclusive': 1, 'minInclusive': 0}, 'dc:description': 'Indicates a ' 'weight of -1 ' '(TRUE if the arc ' 'is negative), but ' 'typically +1 ' '(FALSE).', 'name': 'negative', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Negative Weight']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 256}, 'dc:description': 'The tag for the ' 'parent of the arc', 'name': 'ptag', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Parent Tag']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'The version of ' 'the tag for the ' 'parent of the arc', 'name': 'pversion', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Parent Namespace']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 255}, 'dc:description': 'The tag for the ' 'child of the arc', 'name': 'ctag', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Child Tag']}, {'datatype': {'base': 'string', 'maxLength': 20}, 'dc:description': 'The version of ' 'the tag for the ' 'child of the arc', 'name': 'cversion', 'required': 'true', 'titles': ['Child Namespace']}], 'foreignKeys': [{'columnReference': 'adsh', 'reference': {'columnReference': 'adsh', 'resource': 'sub.tsv'}}, {'columnReference': ['ptag', 'pversion'], 'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag', 'version'], 'resource': 'tag.tsv'}}, {'columnReference': ['ctag', 'cversion'], 'reference': {'columnReference': ['tag', 'version'], 'resource': 'tag.tsv'}}], 'primaryKey': ['adsh', 'grp', 'arc']}, 'url': 'cal.tsv'}]}
Data Organization¶
For each quarter, the FSN data is organized into eight file sets that contain information about submissions, numbers, taxonomy tags, presentation, and more. Each dataset consists of rows and fields and is provided as a tab-delimited text file:
파일 | Dataset | 설명 |
SUB | Submission | 각 회사, 양식, 날짜 등에 따라 XBRL 제출을 식별합니다. |
TAG | Tag | 각 분류 체계 태그를 정의하고 설명합니다. |
DIM | Dimension | 숫자 및 일반 텍스트 데이터에 세부 정보를 추가합니다. |
NUM | Numeric | 보고서에 있는 각각의 고유한 데이터 지점을 나타냅니다. |
TXT | Plain Text | 숫자가 아닌 XBRL 필드를 모두 포함합니다. |
REN | Rendering | SEC 웹사이트에서 렌더링을 위한 정보를 제공합니다. |
PRE | Presentation | 기본 보고서에서 태그와 숫자 표시에 대한 자세한 내용입니다. |
CAL | Calculation | 태그들 간의 산술적 관계를 보여줍니다. |
Submission Data¶
The latest submission file contains around 6,500 entries.
sub = pd.read_parquet(data_path / '2018_3' / 'parquet' / 'sub.parquet')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 6493 entries, 0 to 6492 Data columns (total 40 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 adsh 6493 non-null object 1 cik 6493 non-null int64 2 name 6493 non-null object 3 sic 6492 non-null float64 4 countryba 6482 non-null object 5 stprba 5900 non-null object 6 cityba 6482 non-null object 7 zipba 6478 non-null object 8 bas1 6482 non-null object 9 bas2 2804 non-null object 10 baph 6482 non-null object 11 countryma 6448 non-null object 12 stprma 5906 non-null object 13 cityma 6448 non-null object 14 zipma 6447 non-null object 15 mas1 6448 non-null object 16 mas2 2761 non-null object 17 countryinc 5936 non-null object 18 stprinc 5632 non-null object 19 ein 6492 non-null float64 20 former 3618 non-null object 21 changed 3618 non-null float64 22 afs 6480 non-null object 23 wksi 6493 non-null int64 24 fye 6490 non-null float64 25 form 6493 non-null object 26 period 6493 non-null int64 27 fy 6375 non-null float64 28 fp 6358 non-null object 29 filed 6493 non-null int64 30 accepted 6493 non-null object 31 prevrpt 6493 non-null int64 32 detail 6493 non-null int64 33 instance 6493 non-null object 34 nciks 6493 non-null int64 35 aciks 130 non-null object 36 pubfloatusd 639 non-null float64 37 floatdate 640 non-null float64 38 floataxis 3 non-null object 39 floatmems 4 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(8), int64(7), object(25) memory usage: 2.0+ MB
- Get AAPL submission
The submission dataset contains the unique identifiers required to retrieve the filings: the Central Index Key (CIK) and the Accession Number (adsh). The following shows some of the information about Apple's 2018Q1 10-Q filing:
- 애플 분기 공시 자료 검색
공시 자료 데이터 세트는 제출 문서들을 검색하는 데 필요한 유일한 식별자를 포함한다. 중앙 인덱스 키(CIK)와 접근 숫자(adsh).
다음은 애플의 2018년 1 사분기 10-Q 문서에 대한 일부 정보를 보여준다.
name = 'APPLE INC'
apple = sub[sub.name == name].T.dropna().squeeze()
key_cols = ['name', 'adsh', 'cik', 'name', 'sic', 'countryba', 'stprba',
'cityba', 'zipba', 'bas1', 'form', 'period', 'fy', 'fp', 'filed']
name APPLE INC adsh 0000320193-18-000100 cik 320193 name APPLE INC sic 3571.0 countryba US stprba CA cityba CUPERTINO zipba 95014 bas1 ONE APPLE PARK WAY form 10-Q period 20180630 fy 2018.0 fp Q3 filed 20180801 Name: 1101, dtype: object
Build AAPL fundamentals dataset¶
Using the central index key, we can identify all historical quarterly filings available for Apple, and combine this information to obtain 26 Forms 10-Q and nine annual Forms 10-K.
- Get filings
- CIK 키를 사용해서 애플사에 대해 가능한 모든 과거 분기 제출 문서를 알아낼 수 있고, 이 정보를 결합해 26개의 10-Q 문서와 9개의 10-K 문서를 얻을 수 있다.
aapl_subs = pd.DataFrame()
for sub in data_path.glob('**/sub.parquet'):
sub = pd.read_parquet(sub)
aapl_sub = sub[(sub.cik.astype(int) == apple.cik) & (sub.form.isin(['10-Q', '10-K']))]
aapl_subs = pd.concat([aapl_subs, aapl_sub])
We find 15 quarterly 10-Q and 4 annual 10-K reports:
10-Q 21 10-K 5 Name: form, dtype: int64
- Get numerical filing data
With the Accession Number for each filing, we can now rely on the taxonomies to select the appropriate XBRL tags (listed in the TAG file) from the NUM and TXT files to obtain the numerical or textual/footnote data points of interest.
각 제출 문서의 접근 숫자를 갖고 분류법에 의거해 NUM과 TXT 파일로부터(TAG 파일에 기록된) 적절한 XBRL 태그를 선택할 수 있다.
First, let's extract all numerical data available from the 19 Apple filings:
aapl_nums = pd.DataFrame()
for num in data_path.glob('**/num.parquet'):
num = pd.read_parquet(num).drop('dimh', axis=1)
aapl_num = num[num.adsh.isin(aapl_subs.adsh)]
aapl_nums = pd.concat([aapl_nums, aapl_num])
aapl_nums.ddate = pd.to_datetime(aapl_nums.ddate, format='%Y%m%d')
aapl_nums.to_parquet(data_path / 'aapl_nums.parquet')
707 952 793 1035 784 682 1028 751 738 1364 942 755 1039 1176 805 1271 961 1345 919 1001 1224 923 951 905 937 1017
In total, the nine years of filing history provide us with over 18,000 numerical values for AAPL.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 25005 entries, 3662735 to 3331699 Data columns (total 15 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 adsh 25005 non-null object 1 tag 25005 non-null object 2 version 25005 non-null object 3 ddate 25005 non-null datetime64[ns] 4 qtrs 25005 non-null int64 5 uom 25005 non-null object 6 iprx 25005 non-null int64 7 value 24943 non-null float64 8 footnote 68 non-null object 9 footlen 25005 non-null int64 10 dimn 25005 non-null int64 11 coreg 0 non-null object 12 durp 25005 non-null float64 13 datp 25005 non-null float64 14 dcml 25005 non-null int64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(3), int64(5), object(6) memory usage: 3.1+ MB
Create P/E Ratio from EPS and stock price data¶
- 주가 이익 비율 시계열 작성
We can select a useful field, such as Earnings per Diluted Share (EPS), that we can combine with market data to calculate the popular Price/Earnings (P/E) valuation ratio.
9년간의 제출 문서는 모두 28,000개의 수치 데이터를 제공한다. 희석 주당이익(EPS)와 같은 유용한 필드를 선택하고 이를 시장 데이터와 결합해 흔히 사용하는 가격 이익 비율(PYE) 가치 비율을 계산할 수 있다.
stock_split = 7
split_date = pd.to_datetime('20140604')
Timestamp('2014-06-04 00:00:00')
We do need to take into account, however, that Apple split its stock 7:1 on June 4, 2014, and Adjusted Earnings per Share before the split to make earnings comparable, as illustrated in the following code block:
하지만 애플사가 2014년 6월 4일에 7:1 주식 분할을 시행했다는 사실을 고려해 이익을 주가 데이터에 비교할 수 있도록 이러한 변화를 반영하게 '수정 형태'로 분할 이전의 EPS를 조정할 필요가 있다.
# Filter by tag; keep only values measuring 1 quarter
eps = aapl_nums[(aapl_nums.tag == 'EarningsPerShareDiluted')
& (aapl_nums.qtrs == 1)].drop('tag', axis=1)
# Keep only most recent data point from each filing
eps = eps.groupby('adsh').apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(n=1, columns=['ddate']))
# Adjust earnings prior to stock split downward
eps.loc[eps.ddate < split_date,'value'] = eps.loc[eps.ddate < split_date, 'value'].div(7)
eps = eps[['ddate', 'value']].set_index('ddate').squeeze().sort_index()
eps = eps.rolling(4,min_periods=4).sum().dropna()
eps.plot(lw=2, figsize=(14, 6), title='Diluted Earnings per Share')
plt.savefig('diluted eps');
'''eps.plot(lw=2, figsize=(14, 6), title='Diluted Earnings per Share')
plt.savefig('diluted eps', dps=300);'''
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-66-abfaa7f20067> in <cell line: 3>() 1 eps.plot(lw=2, figsize=(14, 6), title='Diluted Earnings per Share') 2 plt.xlabel('') ----> 3 plt.savefig('diluted eps', dps=300); /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py in savefig(*args, **kwargs) 1021 def savefig(*args, **kwargs): 1022 fig = gcf() -> 1023 res = fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs) 1024 fig.canvas.draw_idle() # Need this if 'transparent=True', to reset colors. 1025 return res /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/figure.py in savefig(self, fname, transparent, **kwargs) 3341 ax.patch._cm_set(facecolor='none', edgecolor='none')) 3342 -> 3343 self.canvas.print_figure(fname, **kwargs) 3344 3345 def ginput(self, n=1, timeout=30, show_clicks=True, /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/backend_bases.py in print_figure(self, filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation, format, bbox_inches, pad_inches, bbox_extra_artists, backend, **kwargs) 2364 # force the figure dpi to 72), so we need to set it again here. 2365 with cbook._setattr_cm(self.figure, dpi=dpi): -> 2366 result = print_method( 2367 filename, 2368 facecolor=facecolor, /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/backend_bases.py in <lambda>(*args, **kwargs) 2230 "bbox_inches_restore"} 2231 skip = optional_kws - {*inspect.signature(meth).parameters} -> 2232 print_method = functools.wraps(meth)(lambda *args, **kwargs: meth( 2233 *args, **{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in skip})) 2234 else: # Let third-parties do as they see fit. TypeError: FigureCanvasAgg.print_png() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dps'
- 퀀들을 이용해 2009년 이후의 애플 주가를 구할 수 있다.
import os
import pandas_datareader as web
# Set the Quandl API key
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
os.environ['QUANDL_API_KEY'] = api_key
symbol = 'AAPL.US'
aapl_stock = (web.
DataReader(symbol, 'quandl', start=eps.index.min())
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 1275 entries, 2014-09-30 to 2018-03-27 Freq: D Data columns (total 12 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Open 877 non-null float64 1 High 877 non-null float64 2 Low 877 non-null float64 3 Close 877 non-null float64 4 Volume 877 non-null float64 5 ExDividend 877 non-null float64 6 SplitRatio 877 non-null float64 7 AdjOpen 877 non-null float64 8 AdjHigh 877 non-null float64 9 AdjLow 877 non-null float64 10 AdjClose 877 non-null float64 11 AdjVolume 877 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(12) memory usage: 129.5 KB
pe = aapl_stock.AdjClose.to_frame('price').join(eps.to_frame('eps'))
pe = pe.fillna(method='ffill').dropna()
pe['P/E Ratio'] = pe.price.div(pe.eps)
pe['P/E Ratio'].plot(lw=2, figsize=(14, 6), title='TTM P/E Ratio');
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> DatetimeIndex: 1275 entries, 2014-09-30 to 2018-03-27 Freq: D Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 price 1275 non-null float64 1 eps 1275 non-null float64 2 P/E Ratio 1275 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(3) memory usage: 72.1 KB
- EDGAR 공시로부터 얻은 최근 12개월 P/E 비율
axes = pe.plot(subplots=True, figsize=(16,8), legend=False, lw=2)
axes[0].set_title('Adj. Close Price')
axes[1].set_title('Diluted Earnings per Share')
axes[2].set_title('Trailing P/E Ratio')
Explore Additional Fields¶
The field tag
references values defined in the taxonomy:
CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue 780 DebtInstrumentInterestRateEffectivePercentage 764 OperatingIncomeLoss 629 AvailableForSaleSecuritiesAmortizedCost 532 AvailableForSaleSecuritiesCurrent 532 ... ResultOfLegalProceedingsAwardUpHeld 1 ProceedsFromRepaymentsOfShortTermDebt 1 ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExpectedToVestIntrinsicValueAtPeriodEnd 1 ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsExpectedToVestWeightedAverageExercisePrice 1 StockRepurchaseProgramAuthorizedAmountIncrease 1 Name: tag, Length: 543, dtype: int64
We can select values of interest and track their value or use them as inputs to compute fundamental metrics like the Dividend/Share ratio.
- Dividends per Share
fields = ['EarningsPerShareDiluted',
dividends = (aapl_nums
.loc[aapl_nums.tag == 'PaymentsOfDividendsCommonStock', ['ddate', 'value']]
shares = (aapl_nums
.loc[aapl_nums.tag == 'WeightedAverageNumberOfDilutedSharesOutstanding', ['ddate', 'value']]
df = dividends.div(shares).dropna()
ax = df.plot.bar(figsize=(14, 5), title='Dividends per Share', legend=False)
Bonus: Textual Information¶
txt = pd.read_parquet(data_path / '2016_2' / 'parquet' / 'txt.parquet')
AAPL's adsh is not avaialble in the txt file but you can obtain notes from the financial statements here:
adsh | tag | version | ddate | qtrs | iprx | lang | dcml | durp | datp | dimh | dimn | coreg | escaped | srclen | txtlen | footnote | footlen | context | value | |
0 | 0000799288-16-000122 | AmendmentFlag | dei/2014 | 20160131 | 4 | 0 | en-US | 32767 | 0.021918 | 2.0 | 0x00000000 | 0 | None | 0 | 5 | 5 | None | 0 | FD2015Q4YTD | false |
1 | 0000799288-16-000122 | CurrentFiscalYearEndDate | dei/2014 | 20160131 | 4 | 0 | en-US | 32767 | 0.021918 | 2.0 | 0x00000000 | 0 | None | 0 | 7 | 7 | None | 0 | FD2015Q4YTD | --01-29 |
2 | 0000799288-16-000122 | DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus | dei/2014 | 20160131 | 4 | 0 | en-US | 32767 | 0.021918 | 2.0 | 0x00000000 | 0 | None | 0 | 2 | 2 | None | 0 | FD2015Q4YTD | FY |
3 | 0000799288-16-000122 | DocumentFiscalYearFocus | dei/2014 | 20160131 | 4 | 0 | en-US | 32767 | 0.021918 | 2.0 | 0x00000000 | 0 | None | 0 | 4 | 4 | None | 0 | FD2015Q4YTD | 2015 |
4 | 0000799288-16-000122 | DocumentPeriodEndDate | dei/2014 | 20160131 | 4 | 0 | en-US | 32767 | 0.021918 | 2.0 | 0x00000000 | 0 | None | 0 | 10 | 10 | None | 0 | FD2015Q4YTD | 2016-01-29 |
판다스를 이용한 효율적 데이터 저장¶
주요 데이터 포맷과 효율성 및 성과 비교
- CSV: 맞춤표 분리, 표준 플랫 텍스트 파일 포맷
- HDF5: 계층적 데이터 포맷으로 수치 데이터에 대해 빠르고 확장할 수 있는 저장 포맷이며, PyTable 라이브러리로 판다스에서 사용
- Parquet: 이진열 저장 포맷으로, 아파치 하둡 에코시스템의 일부. 효율적인 데이터 압축과 인코딩을 제공, pyarrow 라이브러리로 판다스에서 사용
Storage Benchmark¶
In this notebook, we'll compare the following storage formats:
- CSV: Comma-separated, standard flat text file format.
- HDF5: Hierarchical data format, developed initially at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. It is a fast and scalable storage format for numerical data, available in pandas using the PyTables library.
- Parquet: Part of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem, a binary, columnar storage format that provides efficient data compression and encoding and has been developed by Cloudera and Twitter. It is available for pandas through the
library, led by Wes McKinney, the original author of pandas.
This notebook compares the performance of the preceding libraries using a test DataFrame that can be configured to contain numerical or text data, or both. For the HDF5 library, we test both the fixed and table formats. The table format allows for queries and can be appended to.
To recreate the charts used in the book, you need to run this notebook twice up to section 'Store Result' using different settings for data_type
and arguments for generate_test_data
as follows:
Imports & Settings¶
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import random
import string
results = {}
Generate Test Data¶
The test DataFrame
that can be configured to contain numerical or text data, or both. For the HDF5 library, we test both the fixed and table format.
def generate_test_data(nrows=100000, numerical_cols=2000, text_cols=0, text_length=10):
s = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
for _ in range(text_length)])
data = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(nrows, numerical_cols))),
pd.DataFrame(np.full(shape=(nrows, text_cols), fill_value=s))],
axis=1, ignore_index=True)
data.columns = [str(i) for i in data.columns]
return data
data_type = 'Numeric'
df = generate_test_data(numerical_cols=1000, text_cols=1000)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 100000 entries, 0 to 99999 Columns: 2000 entries, 0 to 1999 dtypes: float64(1000), object(1000) memory usage: 1.5+ GB
parquet_file = Path('test.parquet')
size = parquet_file.stat().st_size
%%timeit -o
df = pd.read_parquet(parquet_file)
4.24 s ± 122 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
<TimeitResult : 4.24 s ± 122 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)>
read = _
%%timeit -o
54 s ± 1.52 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
<TimeitResult : 54 s ± 1.52 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)>
write = _
results['Parquet'] = {'read': np.mean(read.all_runs), 'write': np.mean(write.all_runs), 'size': size}
test_store = Path('index.h5')
Fixed Format¶
- Size
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
store.put('file', df)
size = test_store.stat().st_size
- Read
# RAM 25GB 기준 런타임 에러 발생
%%timeit -o
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
read = _
- Write
%%timeit -o
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
store.put('file', df)
write = _
- Results
results['HDF Fixed'] = {'read': np.mean(read.all_runs), 'write': np.mean(write.all_runs), 'size': size}
Table Format¶
- Size
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
store.append('file', df, format='t')
size = test_store.stat().st_size
- Read
%%timeit -o
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
df = store.get('file')
read = _
- Write
Note that write
in table format does not work with text data.
%%timeit -o
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
store.append('file', df, format='t')
write = _
- Results
results['HDF Table'] = {'read': np.mean(read.all_runs), 'write': np.mean(write.all_runs), 'size': size}
Table Select¶
- Size
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
store.append('file', df, format='t', data_columns=['company', 'form'])
size = test_store.stat().st_size
- Read
company = 'APPLE INC'
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
s = store.get('file')
read = _
- Write
with pd.HDFStore(test_store) as store:
store.append('file', df, format='t', data_columns=['company', 'form'])
write = _
- Results
results['HDF Select'] = {'read': np.mean(read.all_runs), 'write': np.mean(write.all_runs), 'size': size}
test_csv = Path('test.csv')
%%timeit -o
df = pd.read_csv(test_csv)
read = _
%%timeit -o
write = _
results['CSV'] = {'read': np.mean(read.all_runs), 'write': np.mean(write.all_runs), 'size': size}
Store Results¶
Display Results¶
Please run the notebook twice as described above under Usage
to create the two csv
files with results for different test data.
df = (pd.read_csv('Numeric.csv', index_col=0)
.append(pd.read_csv('Mixed.csv', index_col=0))
df = df.set_index('Data', append=True).unstack()
df.Size /= 1e9
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(16, 4))
for i, op in enumerate(['Read', 'Write', 'Size']):
flag= op in ['Read', 'Write']
df.loc[:, op].plot.barh(title=op, ax=axes[i], logx=flag)
if flag:
axes[i].set_xlabel('seconds (log scale)')
fig.savefig('storage', dpi=300);
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